Ivan the terrible

  • 1533

    Ivan comes to the throne

    Ivan's father died when he was only 3 years old and Ivan was put in the throne
  • 1546

    Ivan named Czar

    Ivan named Czar
    young 16 year old Ivan took power and named himself the first Czar of Russia
  • 1547

    Married Antasia

    A year after he took rule Ivan found his first wife Antasia and was very happy and the start of the good period.
  • Period: 1547 to 1560

    Good period

    Ivan was happy when Antasia was alive and it showed in the way he ruled the people liked him and he ruled with respect.
  • 1552

    Took Kazan

    After many failed campaigns Ivan finally conquered Kazan and took over the town.
  • 1560

    Antasia dies

    Antasia dies
    After 13 years of marriage Antasia died of an illness and the start of the bad period
  • 1560

    Dissolved selected council

    acting in the fear of treason Ivan dissolved what was the representatives of the people or the selected council.
  • Period: 1560 to

    Bad period

    After Antasia died Ivan went on a rampage for the rest of his rule and it is known as the Bad Period
  • 1565

    Given the oprichnina

    he killed many traitors and agreed with the people that he would rule smaller section of Russia (the oprichnina) only as long as he had complete control.
  • Period: 1570 to 1579

    many Wives

    within 1570-1579 Ivan had five wives
  • 1572

    End of oprichnina

    Ivan;s land was abolished and he became the ruler of Russia again.
  • 1581

    Killed son

    Killed son
    In a fit of rage he struck his son and the heir to the thrown in the head and killed him.