Ivan the Terrible

  • Jan 1, 1530

    Ivan was born

    Ivan was born
    Ivan was born. He is from Russia. His father was the ruler befor him(Blumberg 126).
  • Period: Jan 1, 1530 to

    Ivan the Terrible

  • Jan 1, 1533

    Dad died.

    His dad died do he was the technocal czar. His mother was the ruler who acually made all the disicions( Wallace 77). He was 3 years old.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Cubic equations.

    The first solution to cubic equations was found. It was found by Geronimo Cardano. He was an italian physician(wikipedia).
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Finally crowned

    Ivan was truely crowned. He was 17 years old. He keep the title of Duke of Moscow(Strickler 20).
  • Jan 1, 1549

    Defeated by tartars.

    The tartars beat the russians. The russians had a few small bases that they captured that would help them come back and win the war(Wallace 20). Ivan making the bases saved russia.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Rail roads.

    Mine carts are used as railroad wagens. they would be used in the holy roman empire. not many people had them at the time(wikipedia).
  • Oct 2, 1552

    defeated the tartars.

    The tartars and russias were rivals. They fought multipul battles. Ivan attacked Kazan and defeated the Tartars(Rice 23).
  • Jan 1, 1553

    Ivan was ill.

    Ivan was sick. He had the plague. He later recover back to full health(Wallace 80).
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Gained territory.

    Ivan needed to expand his land. He took over 20 enemy strongholds( Strickler 21). He strengthen his own armie and weaknd the enemy.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Small pox

    Small pox goes through Brazil. It kills millions. Everyone is frightend(wikipedia).
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Oprichnina terrorized.

    Oprichninas where secret police. They were chosen by Ivan. They could publicly exocute someone(Rice 34).
  • Jan 1, 1565


    Potatos are introduced to europe. They are from America. They help feed millions of hungry and becomes there main food source(wikipedia).
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Novgorodians massacre

    The novgorodians were massacred by Ivans armie. They took over the city (Strickler 20). Killed many people
  • Jan 1, 1580

    Conquer Sibir

    Ivan sent 2000 men to conquer Sibir(Blumberg 128.) Sibir and russia had a few battles. Ivan finnally dicided to end it.
  • Jan 1, 1580


    Pockets are introduced in trousers. They are a good new way to carrie your coins. They were first used to smuggle things(wikipedia).
  • Ivan died

    Ivan died in 1584(Rice 50). He was a great czar. Ivan was also a furious leader.