Pavlov stamp 569bb3ee5f9b58eba4a5224f

Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning

  • Ivan Pavlov is born

    Ivan Pavlov is born
    Ivan Pavlov is born in Ryazan, Russia to father Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov and mother Varvara Ivanovna Uspenskaya.
  • University

    Pavlov enrolls in a course of natural sciences at the University of St. Petersburg
  • Graduation

    Pavlov graduates from the Military-Medical Academy of the University of St. Petersburg
  • Becomes a professor

    Becomes a professor
    Pavlov is appointed a chair position at the Military-Medical Academy in the department of pharmacology.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Pavlov is awarded his Nobel Prize for his work and discoveries in the field of physiology and digestive glands.
  • Death

    Pavlov dies