Ivan IV's reign as Tsar of Russia

  • 1533

    Ivan's Father Dies

    Ivan's Father Dies
    Ivan IV's father, Basil III, dies when Ivan is three years old.
  • Apr 3, 1538

    Yelena Glinskaya dies

    Yelena Glinskaya dies
    Ivan's mother, Yelena Glinskaya, dies in 1538. Ivan believed this was due to the boyar families poisoning her, developing a hatred for the boyars.
  • 1547

    Ivan marries Anastasia

    Ivan marries Anastasia
    Ivan IV marries Anastasia Romanovna, belonging to an earlier boyar family.
  • 1553

    Ivan fall Ill

    Ivan fall Ill
    In March 1553, Ivan contracts a high fever. Durin his illness, he demanded the princes and boyars to swear allegiance to his baby son, Dmitri, most of which were unwilling to do so. Ivan recovered, but never forgave those who disobeyed him while he was ill.
  • Aug 7, 1560

    The death of Anastasia Romanovna

    The death of Anastasia Romanovna
    Ivan's wife, Anastasia Romanovna dies, leading Ivan into paranoia.
  • 1561

    Ivan marries again

    Ivan marries again
    Ivan IV marries Maria Temryukovna, his second wife, but two years after he is bored, and she and her heir dies for a mysterious reason.
  • Period: 1561 to 1581

    Ivan's eight marriages

    Ivan had seven marriages between 1561 and 1581. While Ivan is unwilling to settle, all six of his brides and their heirs become deceased. In 1581, Ivan married is eighth and last wife, Maria Nagaya, whom he lived with until his death in March 1584, preparing to play a game of checkers.
  • 1564

    Ivan leaves his post

    In1564, Ivan left his post, retreating northeast of Moscow. After being begged to return, he is granted absolute power, attaining the right to punish whomever he wanted, as well as rule over surrounding regions.
  • 1581

    Ivan murders his oldest son

    Ivan murders his oldest son
    Ivan IV murders his oldest son and heir, eventually leaving the nation to be ruled by his weak son, Feodor, and a Time of Troubles for Russia.
  • 1581

    Ivan beat his daughter-in-law

    Ivan beat his daughter-in-law
    In 1581, Ivan beat his daughter-in-law, Yelena Sheremeteva, while pregnant, for wearing flagrant clothes, which is said to have caused a miscarriage