Ivan iv  1

Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)

  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan’s father, Grand Prince Vasily III, dies

  • Apr 3, 1538

    Mother, Elena Glinsky, dies (possibly poisoned)

  • 1543

    Ivan orders his first execution

    Ivan orders his first execution
  • Feb 3, 1547

    Marries Anastaysia Romanovna

    Marries Anastaysia Romanovna
  • 1553

    Nearly dies from severe fever sickness

  • Mar 28, 1554

    Son Tsarevich Ivan is born

  • 1555

    Cathedral of St. Basi built to honor victory at Kazan

    Cathedral of St. Basi built to honor victory at Kazan
  • 1560

    Mental illness and paranoia worsen

    Mental illness and paranoia worsen
  • Aug 7, 1560

    Wife Anastaysia dies

  • Apr 30, 1564

    Former loyal friend Andrei Kurbskii defects to Poland

  • Jan 5, 1565

    Ivan threatens to abdicate, gains unlimited power

  • 1570

    Forms Oprichniki to destroy those who betray the Tsar

    Forms Oprichniki to destroy those who betray the Tsar
  • 1570

    Murders 30,000 Russian citizens in Novgorod

  • 1570

    Marries 5 different wives over the next 9 years

  • Nov 19, 1581

    Murders his own son (heir to the throne)

    Murders his own son (heir to the throne)