The idea the jewish have their own state. -
The Balfour Decleration
The british foreign minister arthur Balfour comited Britian to work towards "the establishment in palestine of a national home for the jewish people" in a letter to leading Zionists Lord Rothschild -
The Holocaust and World War II
Nazi Germany attacked and conquered most of Europe. This resulted in 6 million jews. The british refused to allow the jews to flee Nazi persecution and enter the palestine Mandate. -
UN Partition Plan
Britian was given the palestine Mandate on land comprising modern-day Israel, the west bank, Gaza strip and jordan. In 1922, britian barred jewish settlement in transjordan, reducing the area available for a jewish homeland by more than 75%. -
1948 War
David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the independence of the new state of Israel on May 14, 1984 and became Israel's prime minister. The following day, arab armies from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and iraq attacked the new state. -
Establishment of the PLO
In 1964, the palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and creating a palestine state in its place. -
The Six Day War/ 1967 Arab-Israeli War
In the days before the war, Egypt, jordan, jordan, syria, andiraq moved their armies to Israel borders. Egypt closed the international water way, the Straits of Tiran, to all Israeli shipping, an act of war in the international law. -
settlement constructruction begins
the isreal government approved the building of settlements in the Sinial Peninsula, Gaza Strip, and West Bank. Settlemts were also built on the sites of jewish villages that had been destroyed by Arab forces during the 1948 war. -
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Khartoum Resolution/ Attrition Battles/The War of Attrition
During the 1967 War, Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. September 1, 1967 and adopted the 3 nos policy no speace with isreal, no recognition of israel, and no negotions with israel. In 1970 after an attmept by the pmp to overtrow jordands king husseins, the jordanian army attacked plo forces in what became known as blackmber -
October War/ Yom Kippur War / 1973 Arab Israeli War
Egypt and syria attacked israel on yom kippur, the holliest day of the jewish year. the 1973 war inforced the strategic importance of the buffer zones gained in 1967. after the war, israel retained the territories captures in 1967, but did not keep any additonal land. -
Camp David Accords
Menachem begins of israel and anwar al-sadat af egypt signed agreement in camp david. The american- sponsored talks paved the way to the peace treaty signed in 1979. -
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
As the resolt of intense diplomatic effords by united states, egypt becaume the first arab contry to recognize and enter into a peace treaty with israel . -
1982 Lebanon War\First Lebanon War
Plo unitss and southern lebanon incresingly attached communitys in northern israel, in respomce israel longed an attached on plo militans -
Period: to
First Intifada
Palestinians in the gaza strip and the west bank engaged in an uprising or intifada against israeli controlvof these territories. -
Oslo Accords
The oslo accords led to the creation of the plestinian authority which had responsibility for administering the territory under its control. -
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
AS with the 1979 peace trety between egypt and israel the united states let a difficult but succesful deplomatic process to help jordan and ist=rael achive peace. -
Camp David Summit
American president Bill Clinton brought israeli prime minister ehud barak and palastiniAN PRESIDENT Yasser Araf to camp david in july 2000 -
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Second intifada
Israeli oppisition leader Ariel SHaron visited the jewish temple mount, a site revered by jews that is also holy to muslims -
Israel Begins Construction West bank security barrier
Israel responded to the suicide bombings by constructing a security barrier to protect its citizens from terrorist groups in the west bank -
Arab peace Intiative is proposed
During the Beruit Summit of the arab league, crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a peace initiative that was endooresd by all members of the arab league. -
Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
Known as the roadmap is a plan for peace that was proposed in 2003 by thr quarter the united stated, russia, the european uniion, and the united nations. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon let Israel to unilaterally withdraw from the gaza strip and four west bank settlement as a part of a larger policy of disengagement, the separate of israel from frpom palestian territory. -
Hama is Elected
Plestinins elected a majority of hamas members to he palestinian attorities legislature over the PLO Fatah party that had previoncely been on power. -
2006 Hezbollah-Israel Lebanon War/ Second Lebanon War
Hezbolla, a radical islamist organization cammited to destroy israel, is based in lebanon and is believed to be heavily supported by iran and sira -
Syrian Nuclear Reactor Destroyed By Israel
In operation Orchand, Israel air strikes destroyed a suspecteed nuclear reactor in the Deir-ez-region of syria build with the assistance of North Karea -
Battle of gaza
ongoing tensions between hamas and the PLO'S fatah party cummineted in june 2007 when hamas militans attached and asaasinated fattah -
Annapolis Confrence
US secretery of state condoleeza rice orgamixed a confrence between israel and the palestinian attorituece fatha leades, which was attended by many arab contries, including saudi arabia and s.yria -
Hezbollah Governance in lebanon
Hezbollah joined the unity government of lebanon in 2008, gaining effective veto power over the lebanese goverment. -
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The Gaza Conflict Operation Cast Lead
Israel targeted hamas strong holds in gaza to stop ongoing rocket attackes on sevilian towns in southern israel and to disruped the terrist infrastructure and weapon smugglin. -
The Arab Spring
No arab state had a decomacratic government distrubution of weath -
Gaza-Israel Conflict and Operation Protective Edge
They are searching for the 3 teenagers that have gone missing and israel called airstrikes on Gaza. There was a war going on between them, the IDF launched "Operation Protective Edge". Weapons were smuggled to Gaza, thousands of israelis were killed by rockets.