Period: to
From neutral to war
End of ww1
WW1 came to a clos eon November 11 1918. Germany is blamed and is penalized for its infractions. The fines send Germanys economy into ruins. -
Stock market crashes
The stock market crashes sending America into a deep depression. Unemployment rised to 25% and the American spirit and pride was gone. -
Hawley-smooth tariff act is passed.
Hawley-Smoot tariff is passed to defend American industries from foreign competitors. This act was a factor in isolating Amerrica from the rest of the world. -
First neutrality act isn passed
The first neutraily acts is passed and bans all transport orf arms, ammunion or any kind of weapon for war to foreign countires, islolating America from the conflicts arrising in Europe. -
Neutrality act of 1937
The neutrality act of 1937 prohibited American citizens from travelling on belkigerent or hostile ships. This also prevented merchant ships from transporting arms to belligerents. This act was created as tensions in the spanish civil war were increasing. -
"Cash and carry" Nuetrality act of 1939.
The neutrality act of 1939 lifted the arms embargo and put all trade with hostile nations under the terms of “cash-and-carry.Cash and carry is when arms are purchased fully and the buyer takes the weapons immeadiatly -
Pearl harbor
Japans attacks pearl harbor, forcing a declaration of war on Japan. -
US declares war on Germany
Admid the German advance in Eurpoe, the US declers war on german 2 days after declaring war on Japan. ANything neutral about the US was no more