Islamic Timeline

  • 1258 BCE

    Mongol army kills and destroys

    Mongol army kills and destroys
  • 1187 BCE

    Saladin retakes Jerusalem

    Saladin retakes Jerusalem
  • 1099 BCE

    Christian Armies recapture Jerusalem

    Christian Armies recapture Jerusalem
  • 1048 BCE

    Omar Khayyam is born

    Omar Khayyam is born
  • 1025 BCE

    Ibn Sina completes encyclopedia

    Ibn Sina completes encyclopedia
  • 972 BCE

    Al-Azhar University founded

    Al-Azhar University founded
  • 780 BCE

    Al-Khwarizami is born

    Al-Khwarizami is born
  • 750 BCE

    Abbasid Caliphate takes control

    Abbasid Caliphate takes control
  • 732 BCE

    Islamic Army defeated Charles Martel

    Islamic Army defeated Charles Martel
  • 711 BCE

    Muslims enter Spain

    Muslims enter Spain
  • 692 BCE

    Dome of Rock completed

    Dome of Rock completed
  • 680 BCE

    Hussein is killed

    Hussein is killed
  • 661 BCE

    Umayyad calipahte takes control

    Umayyad calipahte takes control
  • 656 BCE

    All bin Talib, fourth caliph

    All bin Talib, fourth caliph
  • 644 BCE

    Uthman, third caliph

    Uthman, third caliph
  • 634 BCE

    Umar, second caliph

    Umar, second caliph
  • 632 BCE

    Muhammed dies

    Muhammed dies
  • 630 BCE

    Muhammed returns, gains control

    Muhammed returns, gains control
  • 610 BCE

    Islam begins, Muhammed revelations

    Islam begins, Muhammed revelations
  • 570 BCE

    Muhammed born in Mecca

    Muhammed born in Mecca