Nov 12, 610
Babrial speaks to Muhammad
Muhammad a merchant who worried about the world. He would seek for an answer leading him to medataitate a lot in the mountens. One time when meditating he had her the voice of Angle Gabrial, who told Muhammad that he would be the prohpt spreading the will of god. -
Jun 12, 622
Muhammad's Hijra
The journey in which Muhammad took to escape the assasination. They had heard word of killing Muhammad because of the new relgion he was teaching. Merchants disagreed with the idea of loosing the customers. Going to escape in Yathirib wihc was later renamed "Land of the Prophet" -
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad's death
Muhammad's death was an assination, that brought conflict up the followers. When he had die their was one shrine that was actknowlaged whihc was the Ka'ba. Although there was many he had choicen that one. -
Nov 12, 632
Split of The Sunnie and Shia
When Muhammad had dies there was a huge argument towards who should take over the caliph. Leading to a split beacsue they both belive that in different leaders. The Sunnie though that the Caliph should be the father in law and the Shia though that the son in law should be the nest caliph -
Nov 12, 634
Abu-Bakr is the father in law form Muhammad the prophit. He was the caliph for the time when Muhammad had died. There was argument towarsd who would be the caliph. -
Nov 12, 644
Umayyad Dynasty
The third Caliph brought great power to Islma. Taking lands and gaining more land that lead to power. This borught great control to Islma and spreading more the religion. -
Nov 12, 653
Rise of Abbasids
Abbassid the third caliph who also broght the Umayyad dynasty. He was the new succesur, in leading Islma. He borught great glory to Islma. But it also brought great dispute towards the argument towards the claiph. -
Nov 12, 656
Fall of the Umayyad Dynasty
The fall of the Umayyad dynast was due to the lack of unity. That had failed to happend as the land exspanded. The split in religions traditions became a conflict to the people. -
Nov 12, 661
Ali the son in law of Muhammad of the prophet. He was thought to be the next Caliph in which the Shias agreed and thought was the correct way to take but the Sunni disagreed.Leading to a split in the religion -
Nov 12, 750
Abbasids Moves The Capital off Islamic Empire
Abbasids move the Islamic empire to a new location, That borught a new set of viewing the religion with the militarty. Was later brought great land and territory to the people. -
Nov 12, 1096
First Crusade
It was the focus on the Byzantine empire in which they had requested forces from Islam. Leading to them to travel to Rome. In which they gained fallowers who joined islam -
Nov 12, 1258
Fall of the Abbasids
The caliph became weak which made the loose all power they once had. The family members did not know what to do towards this situation. Leading to the fall of the Abbasids empire. The Mongols had attack destroying every thing. -
House of Wisdome
The house of wisdome was a form to collect knowlage. It was built to bring scholars together and make research on thing they did not know . It was full of knowlage and new inventions.