Sykes-Picot Agreement
In 1916, France and England agreed on how to divide up the Ottoman Empire if their side won the war: known as Sykes-Picot Agreement. -
British Mandate
Great Britain controls Palestine in 1920 (British Mandate) -
Rise and fall of the Ottoman
The Ottoman Empire was one of the most successful empires in Southwest Asia. It lasted from 1299-1924. The land was settled by many different ethnic and religious groups that at one time got along. The Ottomans had a very successful empire until WWI. -
After WWI
After WWI, the Ottoman Empire was on the losing side, so the British and French divided up land the Ottomans had held. They left Turkey to the Turks, but split up the rest of the area without regard to religions or ethnic groups. Now, ethnic groups like the Kurds are split apart and want to be one independent nation, and other groups like the Sunni and Shia in Iraq are put together though they don’t get along and fight over power. -
When partitioning was over, a new country was formed and is now called Turkey (land of the Turks). Turkey is made up of the land they were able to keep after the war -
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Arab–Israeli War