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A personal story

  • Greece - School

    Greece - School
    I like living in Greece, because it is a country where there is peace and I can live safely.
    I'm going to school. I want to become a car mechanic and read Mathematics and Physics because I need to know them well to achieve my goal.
  • Friends

    Amin and Hassan and I talk and say nice things. We have a good time, although we have known each other for a while, it is like being together for years.
  • Museum

    I liked going to the Museum and participating in the program. I like to see the works of artists and connect them with my memories and dreams.
  • Personal space

    Personal space
    I wait for my papers and go from office to office, to various services, and wait for the process to end to settle legally.
    The sea and the water, what I think, I share with the water.