
Investigate on Mars

  • Mariner 4

    Mariner 4
    The Mariner 4 mission took the first photos from another planet.
  • Mariner 6 & 7

    Mariner 6 & 7
    Both Mariner 6 & 7 were created to look for any signs of life on Mars as well as developing technology for further missions.
  • Mariner 9

    Mariner 9
    This mission was the first to orbit another planet. The Mariner 9 also collected valuable information about the surface and atmosphere in Mars. Also mapped 85% of the surface, something the Mariner 8 couldn't do.
  • Vikings 1 & 2

    Vikings 1 & 2
    These Vikings were the first to safely land on Mars and was used to investigate any signs of life on Mars.
  • Mars Global Surveyor

    Mars Global Surveyor
    This mission was operated for over nine years, it studied the composition on Mars, map the topography and monitor the weather patterns. This mission made a lot of discoveries like for instance, it found liquid water on Mar's surface.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder
    The first wheeled vehicle to land on Mars, it was designed to a low-cost method for delivering science instruments to Mars.
  • Mars Odssey

    Mars Odssey
    This spacecraft was used for collecting data on Mars' climate and geology more than any other spacecraft yet. It also spent the most time in orbit around Mars.
  • Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit & Opportunity)

    Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit & Opportunity)
    Spirit and opportunity were rovers on Mars who were in search for any signs of past life.
  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

    Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has sent back thousands of pictures that help scientists learn more about Mars. This orbiter studied the atmosphere and terrain on Mars.
  • Phoenix Lander

    Phoenix Lander
    This lander was used to discover any signs of life from the past and present. It would collect any samples with its robotic arm.
  • Curiosity

    Curiosity's mission is to determine whether Mars was ever, or is, a place for microbial life. It's equipped with 17 cameras and a robotic arm.

    MAVEN was a spacecraft created to investigate the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Mars.
  • Insight

    The insight is the first outer space explorer to fully check Mars' crust, mantle, and core.
  • Perseverance

    The Perseverance rover is designed to explore the crater Jezero on Mars.