Abraham Darby
Coke Smelting and advanced the mass production of Brass & Iron goods -- Coke smelting replaced charcoal with coal in metal foundaries during the process of retiring metals. -
Thomas Newcomen
Atmospheric Steam Engine -- Built an engine with John Calley that improved Thomas Savery's versoin of the engine. -
Charles Townshend
Four Field Crop Rotation -- Growing something different every year for a cycle of four years. -
John Kay
Flying Shuttle -- An improvement to looms that enabled wevers to weave faster. -
James Hargreaves
Spinning Jenny -- A hand-powered multiple spinning machine that was the first machine to improve from the spinning wheel. -
Richard Arkwright
Spinning Frame -- It produced stronger threads for yarns. The first models were powered by water wheels so the device was first known as the water frame. It was the first powered, automatic, and continuous textile machine and began the move away from small home manufacturing towards factory production. -
James Watt
Modern Steam Engine -- He improved Newcomen's steam engine model by making a new boiler. -
Samuel Crompton
Spining Mule -- It gave the spinner great control over the weaving process, many different types of yarn could be produced. -
Edward Cartwright
Power Loom -- The power loom was a steam-powered mechanically operated version of a regular loom, an invention that combined threads to make cloth. -
Eli Whitney
The Cotton Gin -- A machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. -
Henry Bessemer
First process for mass-producing steel inexpensively -- Modern steel is made using technology based on Bessemer's process. The "Bessemer Process" for mass-producing steel was named after Bessemer.