
  • Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin--a machine that cleaned cotton by removing seeds in a short amount of time
  • Alessandro Volta

    Battery--a voltaic pile, lets electricity forw if certain reactions occure
  • Robert Fulton

    Steamboat--as boat that used steam power to be propelled threw the water
  • Samuel Morse

    Morse Code--transmitting text information in a series of dotes and dashes
  • Louis Daguerre

    Daguerreotype--camera type invention that took a picture in 10 minutes
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone--vibration traveling then being turned back into sound
  • Thomas Edison

    Light Bulb--a reliable, long lasting source of light powered by electricity
  • Nikola Tesla

    AC--alternating current electrical supply system with moter, transformers, and 3-phase electricity
  • Gottlieb Daimler

    2 Cylinder Engine--a V-slanted two cylinder, four stroke engine with mushroom-shaped valves
  • Rudolf Diesel

    Diesel Engine--an engine within a cylinder, that was an internal combustion engine
  • Wright Brothers

    Airplane--a machine that goes into the air that would be able to carry a person
  • Henry Ford

    Assembly Line--the idea that one person does a certain part over-and-over, then passes the part onto the next person