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Inventor and Inventions

  • Jethro Tull- seed drill

    Jethro Tull- seed drill
    The seeds were originally hand placed into the ground, until Jethro Tull came up with the seed drill. The seed drill drug a line into the dirt, then dropped the seed into the soil, then the spikes on the back covered the seeds up.
  • Abraham Darby- sand casting

    Sand casting is a mold made by metal that sand is dumped into to make objects. Sand castings are made in special factories called foundries.
  • Thomas Newcomen-atmospheric engine

    The atmospheric engine was operated condensing steam that was drawn into the cylinder, which creates a partial vacuum making atmospheric pressure in the cylinder.
  • Richard Arkwright- water frame

    Richard Arkwright- water frame
    A water frame was a spinning machine that was powered by water. The water frame produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp. It was an improvement from on the spinning jenny.
  • Robert Owen- spinning mules

    Robert Owen invented the spinning mule which spun cotton and other fibers. The cotton is then made into yarn which was used to make blankets and clothes.
  • Edmund Cartwright- wool combing machine

    Edmund Cartwright- wool combing machine
    This invention was used to arrange the wool into parallel lines by length so the wool is ready for treatment to then get made into yarn to sell.
  • Nicolas LeBlanc- developed soda ash from salt

    Nicolas LeBlanc came up with one of the most important industrial-chemical processes in the 19th century. He developed soda ash from everyday salt.
  • Eli Whitney- cotton gin

    Eli Whitney- cotton gin
    Before the cotton gin the slaves had to sit out in the fields and separate the cotton from the seeds. With the cotton gin it does this for them. By cranking the handle the teeth break the seeds off of the cotton making it easier to separate them.
  • Alessandro Volta- electric battery

    Alessandro Volta- electric battery
    This was the first source of a continuous current. The battery consisted of zinc and silver separated by paper. It helped discover electrolysis and it created the field of electrochemistry.
  • George Stephenson- steam locomotive

    George Stephenson- steam locomotive
    This was a steam locomotive that ran on train tracks. It was the first one invented which burnt coal.
  • David Richardo- law of diminishing marginal returns

    This was an influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock. Richardo came up with the law with respect to labor and capital.
  • Cyrus Field- telegraph cable

    Cyrus Field created the telegraph cable which were underground cables that were placed undersea used for telegraph communications between the navals between Britain and America.