Steam Engines
Thomas Savery inventented an engine that could be powred with only steam that made increase the western settlement due to the improved transportation -
Spinnning Jenny
Elias Howe/James Hargreaves invented this machine used to weave cotton -
Factory Systems
Samuel Slator adopted this method of commerce involving using
machineryussualy powered by water or steam this increased the growth of cities and commerce -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney desinged and cunstructed this machine that automated the separation of the cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber.This invention revolutioned the cotton indusrty in the US -
Interchangeable Parts
Invented by Eli Whitney interchangeable parts are basically relaplacements that were used in factories that deacreased the difficulties in factories with trouble of having machinery replacements -
National Roads
The federal goverment built it to be the first to be the first major improvements that ran from Maryland to Virgina.This impacted greatly to the settlements in new areas because it made traveling easy and faster -
Robert Fulton invented boats powered by steam enginesrather than water wheels.Transportation became easier and faster and cities such as St. Louis developed -
Eire Canals
John Calhoun was the engineer that designed the canals that connected Buffalo and New York City.This waterways helped NYC
became the cheif U.S port, and opened up Ohio for transportation of certain pruducts and made Westward expansion easier. -
Textile Mills/Lowell Mills
Francis Cabot Lowell invented this mills to help girls work 12 hour shifts and live in boarding homes this increased job oppotrunities for young unmarried woman and a chance for education. -
Steel Plow
John Derre invented a light weight plow with a steel blade for heavier soil plowing farms became faster and easier, as well as increades the the pruduction and expansion of farm into the US -
Samuel Morse came up with the telegraph, a machine used to to communicateby tapping out codes that could be translated into words this improved communication by making it faster connected regions of the country together -
Sewing Machine
Machine used to sew fabric toghether in a faster time span that freehanded sewing this hepled increased the clothing and cotton industry along with the Spinning Jenny -
Transcontinental Railroad
The Central Pacific Railroad Union and the Union Pacific Railroad created a railroad that connected the Atlantic And Pacific coasts this improved the transportation as goods and people would be connected as they moved west