The Refracting Telescope
The first refracting telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey and later modified by Gallileo. Early refracting telescopes consisted of convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece. This changed society because the telescope continued to be modified and we now have the ability to learn about space, the planets, stars, and other galaxies within our universe. -
David Bushnell developed the first submarine used for war purposes. It was a one man, wooden submarine powered by hand-turn propellors and was used during the American Revolution. This changed society beccasue the military now had the ability to use under water warfare. Although Bushnell's original submarine did not last long, he opened the door to opportuinites for inventing better working submarines which are used in war and combat today. -
Electric Battery
Alessandro Volta developed the first electric battery which he an electric pile which was a a series of metal disks of two kinds, separated by cardboard disks soaked with acid or salt solutions. This changed society because it was the first method found for sustaining electric current, and as been altered and is now an every day use in our society. -
Credit Card
The first credit card was called the Charga-Plate and was used in the U.S. from the 1930s through the 1950s. The Charga Plate was a trademark of Farrington Manufacturing Co. The card changed society because people could now pay without having to carry cash. The credit card was quick and convienient. Today the credit card is widely used along with the debit card. -
Artificial Heart
Abiocor was the first artificial heart to be approved by the FDA and was launched by Abiomed. Abiocor can be used on any patient and is wire-free and runs on a battery. The battery lasts about 18 months before needing to be changed. This is a medical breakthrough in society because now people who have fatal heart problems have a higher chance of living longer with Abiocor. Abiocor is still being enhanced today and now provides people with an even longer life expectancy.