Lunokhod 2
Launched by the Soviet Union it's main objective was to collect images of the lunar surface,perform laser ranging experiments from Earth, observe solar X-rays, measure local magnetic fields, and study the soil mechanics of the lunar surface material. -
MER 1 - Spirit
MER 1 or MER-B or Spirit was one of the longest surviving rovers on mars,however Spirit got stuck in an unexpected sand trap! NASA spent weeks trying to help the unfortunate robot, but their struggles were unsuccessful. Trapped, MER-2 finally stopped sending signals, and lost touch with the planet, Earth... -
MER-2 Opportunity
Opportunity is the longest surviving rover ever and is still going today.Opportunity's main job is collecting samples of rocks, minerals, and rubble. In fact, Opportunity and Spirit proved so successful, that they founded a separate lab: The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) just for their findings and samples. -
Dextre or Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) is a robot that resembles a giant robot torso suited with two very dexterous (no pun intended ) arms used for manual repairs that would originally require spacewalks. -
MER-3 Curiosity
Curiosity is the product of spirits and opportunities success on mars. Sent there on Nov,26 2011 she reached mars on August 6 2011 to investigate the gale crater the martian climate and geology because this particular spot is believed to have been at the forefront of environmental changes on mars and had favorable microbial life.She is still well and active today.