Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    Spun to create yarn
    Invented by James Hargreaves
  • Watt Steam Engine

    Watt Steam Engine
    James Watt
    Multi-spindle spinning frame
  • Power loom

    Power loom
    Edmund Cartwright
    Mechanized loom
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney
    Machine that is used to pull cotton fibers from the cotton seed
  • Locomotvie

    George Stephenson
    Train car that pulls the other cars along the track
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton
    Kind of craft propelled by the turning of steam-driven paddle wheels
  • Photograph/Camera

    Nicéphore Niépce
    Written caption that describes the essential information in an image
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Barthelemy Thimonnier
    Used to sew fabric and materials together with thread
  • Automobile

    Robert Anderson
    A usually four-wheeled vehicle designed primarily for passenger transportation
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F. B. Morse
    Communication system in which information is transmitted over a wire through a series of electrical current pulse
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell
    Telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel
    An explosion made of nitroglycerin