Inventions Module 7 lesson 1

By colobob
  • crop rotation

    By Charles Townshend in early 16th century
  • Watt Steam engine

    By James Watt,
  • Spinning jenny

    By James Hargreaves, an invention that improved cotton spinning
  • spinning frame

    By Richard Arkwright
  • cotton gin

    By Eli Whitney,
  • The Battery

    by Alessandro Volta
  • Jacquard machine

    By Joseph Marie Jacquard, changed how textiles were woven
  • The Rocket

    By George Stephenson, an ealry locomotive,
  • Telegraph

    By Samuel Morse.
  • photography

    By Louis Daguerre
  • Bessemer process

    By Henry Bessemer, improved steel quality,
  • Telephone

    by Alexander Graham Bell
  • incandescent light bulb

    By Thomas Edison
  • Internal combustion engine

    by Gottlieb Daimler
  • radio

    By Guglielmo Marconi, 1890s