Jan 1, 1440
Printing Press
The printing prees started being built in 1436 and was finished by 1440. Johann Gutenburg of Germany was the inventor. This was much more efficient than the woodblock. -
Jan 1, 1483
Leonardo da vinci had a notebook and this was one of the inventions that was found in the margin of his noteebook. It is a parachute that would work today however, he always kept out one step in his inventions so no one could take credit for them. It is now kept in a museum in Milan, Italy. -
Jan 1, 1496
Wallpapers first mill was opened in England in 1496 and started producing right away. Wallpaper was stenciled in sometimes and was wood-block printed also. -
Compound Microscope
This cool object was created by Hans Jannsen and Hans Lippershey. Their idea of putting one peice of glass behin another increased the magnifying power. -
Flush Toilet
The first flush toilet was created in 1596 byy John Harrington. After almost two hundred years it was re-created by Alexander Cummings -
Leonardo da vinci is know for being an inventor and he was most likely the first person to creat the submarine which was something that was never actually built till 1776. John Holland was the one who built it. -
Mechanical clock
Although early mechanical clock mechanisms were introduced in the early 14th century, the first one was created in 1656. It was built by Christian Huygens and was a pendulum clock. -
The match was created by Robert Boyle of Ireland. He was a physicist that knew when phosphorus and sulfur were rubbed together created fire. His matches were deemed unsafe and were not used.