Steam engines


  • Factrory Systems

    Factrory Systems
    Samuel Slater made this manurfactoring method, which was useing machinery to make objects instead of doing things by hand, so that the process would go faster.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Francis Cabot Lowell invented the first factory system that used machines and people in the system. This showed that there was easier ways to do certain things and this helped improve the time it took to make the objects in the Mills.
  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    James Watt invented steam engine that could carry goods and even people from place to place, efficiently. Thisd made transporting items much, much faster and more smoothly.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented a machine, called the cotton gin, that removed cotton from seeds so farmers wouldn't haave to do it all day by hand. This madepicking cotton much easier and faster, because all the farmers had to do was push a button.
  • Steamboats

    Robert Fulton created a more updated steamboat that would give buyers a alternative way to travel over water, partially fast. This wws mostly for the looks, but it was also a cool way to travel.
  • Natinal Roads

    Natinal Roads
    The Federal Government built long roads that would help people travel easier by being connected to places that were far away.
  • Erie Canals

    Erie Canals
    Govenor Dewitt Clinton made a transportation system between the Eastern Seaboard and the Great Lakes that involved a manmade, river-like transportation system that would make it easier, cheaper andfaster way to transport objects.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F. B. Morse invented a telegraph,. which electrically sent messages to a differnt areas. This helped communication go much faster and you could use this device anywhere in the same lands because you cant put telegraph waters in water. This way instead of getting a message within a week, you could it in seconds.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Jhon Deere is very famous for his Steel Plow invention that would help millions of farmers break up soil. Basically, this machine could do what no other plow, or tool, could do- break up tough soil. This prevented a hastel and stress for the farmer that was using it, so they could plant more crops and make a living.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Issac Songer invented the sewing machine and all this was, was a machine that stitched fabrics together to make clothing, curtains and other things like this. This made the stiching process much faster and so much more efficient.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney created a machine that put peices of and object to gether. One of the first objects that was used by this machine was the gun and this way guns could be more similar and companies would be able to sell bigger mass production of guns. Also, this saved people time by not having to have poeple hand make every little thing over and over again.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The continental railroad was the very first railroad to go all the way across the United States. This made traveling much smoother and much, much faster.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny to help meet the demand of linen cloth and other cotton-like fabrics from other people. Basically, the spinning jenny would turn cotton into fabric and then they would be shipped to another factory to be printed. This doubled the amount of fabric the companies made each day and this was much easier for the people making the fabris, instead of doing it by hand.