Steam Engines
James Watt created these so they could be used to move machinery by using the power of steam.Thee provided a convinient source of energy that majored forms of transportation during the revolutuion. It alsoallowed for quicker transportation of raw materials that could be used to produced finished goods. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney created the gotton gin which was used to easily get seeds out of cotton.This helped launch the massive cotton industry in the south. -
Factory Systems
Samuel Slator invented factory systems. This was used to manufacture everything for a product in the same place.This brought machine and workers under one roof and increased growth of cities and job oppurtunities. This also increased the industry of clothing. -
Interchangeable Parts
Eli Whitney invented interchangeable parts these helpes workers to cut metal objects in an identical fashion.Because of this production became fasrer;repairs easier and aided with settlement of new areas. -
National Roads
Albert Gattalin invented these in. These allowed people to move around the country easier and aided settlement of new areas. -
Robert fulton invented steamboats. They were boats powered by steam engines rather than wheels.Because of these transportation became easier and faster;cities developed and it helped westward expansion. -
Erie Canals
Calhoun invented the Erie Canals. They were used as a waterway that connected NY with Buffalo. THis opened up Ohio for transportation of ffarm products and made the westward expansion easier. -
textile Mills/Lowell Mills
Francis Cabot Lowell created these;girls came to work 12 hour shifts and live in boarding homes. This increased unmarried women;gave the chance for education: put some workers in danger. -
Steel Plow
John Deere created these allowing farmers to turn heavy, gummy prarie sod easily. 25 years later women and youing children used them allowing men to be away at war. -
Samuel F.B. Morse invented this it was the firt line that you could communicate almost instantly with a person far away.This improved communications by making it faster; it connected regions of the country together. -
Spinning Jenny
Elias howe and James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny or sewong machine.They were used to weave clothes and sew them.This invention increased clothing production and need for production. -
Transcontinental Railroad
The central Pacific railroad and Union pacific railroad created this.These improved transportation of goods and people would be connected as they moved west.