Accounting beginnings
The record of income and expenses was by the Romans to the English crown -
Profit sharing
The first profit sharing was with the profits of a commercial agreement, made by Ansaldus Boilardus who was a Genoves notary. -
Profit and loss
Profits and losses were recorded and reviewed by an auditor in a Genoa Community -
Double match
The double match was created to have the same expenses and income was invented by Benedetto Cotrugli -
"Quaderno", was an accounting book written by Benedetto Cotrugli -
Luca Paccioli
The book "Summa of Arithmetic, geometry proportioni el proportionalita" was a book written by Lucca, when have 36 chapters the study of the accounting and revealed secrets -
Imperial Accounting Chamber
The Imperial Chamber of Accounting was created for perfection in the control the accounts, by María Teresa -
Death of Maria Teresa
Developed schools of authors that invented the teory "cincoentista". -
Public Treasury
The Public Treasury was created by Giussepe Cerboni, (Cerboni was a author famous in the state of Italy) -
"The regionera"
Was a book with elements fundamentals, expanded accounting until and considered a science of management written by Fabio Besta