Intro to Technology Use 1970s

  • Period: to

    Technology Use Progression

  • The first network email

    Ray Tomlinson used a program to send an electronic mail over the network ARPANET. This also led to a standardization of using File Transfer Protocol for emails
  • Floppy Disk released

    Floppy Disk released
    IBM commercially released 8-inch floppy disks in 1971, which could read data and also write data. They were often used as backups and continue to be used as a Save Icon to this day.
  • C programming language released

    Developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie. C has been in use ever since its debut and multiple other programming languages take inspiration from C.
  • Ethernet first developed

    Ethernet first developed
    Xerox PARC filed the patent for ethernet in 1975 under Robert Metcalfe, David Boggs, Chuck Thacker, and Butler Lampson. It was a network for their Xerox Alto computers. Ethernet then became the standard for local network connections.
  • Apple II release

    Apple II release
    Developed by Steve Wozniak and manufactured by Apple Computer Inc. Apple II computers were available in many American schools, which led to multiple programs for educational purposes. It helped spread the idea of personal computers at home.