Intresting events that occured in Russian History

  • Period: to

    Russian History

  • Russian expansion into Manchuria leads to war with Japan

    Russian expansion into Manchuria leads to war with Japan
    When Russia is expanding and is on a roll conquoring land, They invade Manchuria, leading to a war with Japan, which Russia came out as the victor, taking Manchuria as its own. Source: "BBC News - Russia Timeline." BBC News - Home Web. 11 Jan. 2012.
    "RUSSO – JAPANESE WAR (1904 – 1905)." WAR World War 2, India War – War News History. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. <
  • Russian and Austria rivalry help start WWI, in which Russia fights alongside Britain and France.

    Russian and Austria rivalry help start WWI, in which Russia fights alongside Britain and France.
    In the 1900s, many countries were forming military alliances. In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Yugoslaveia nationalist. This angered Austria-Hungaria, and in response they invaded Serbia. Serbia had military ties with Russia, so Russia came to help the Serbs, which started a chain reaction, causing Germany to declare war on Russia and so on.
    Source: "Timeline of World War One." History Learning Site. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. <http://www.historylearningsite
  • Muder of the Romanov family

    Muder of the Romanov family
    During WWI, the Bolsheivks start a revolution against the Tsar. In March of 1918, he and his family are put under house arrest. On July 17, 1918, Tsar Nicholas and his family were brutally murdered and chopped into small pieces, then spread throughout Russia.
    Source: "Communism - Polyology." Page Farm. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.
  • Stalin takes leadership over the USSR

    Stalin takes leadership over the USSR
    After Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin came to power, with the same communistic views as Lenin. Leading a cruel dictatorship, he kept his country from going into as bad as of a downward spiral then the rest of the countries during the Great Depression. For this, he was put on the cover of Time Magazine. Source: "TIME Magazine Cover: Joseph Stalin, Man of the Year - Jan. 4, 1943 - Joseph Stalin - Person of the Year - Russia - Communism - Joseph Stalin - World War II." Breaking News, Analysis, Politi
  • Russia joins the USSR

    Russia joins the USSR
    In 1917, the Russian Revolution caused the downfall of the Russian Empire. After the revolution, there was a contest for control of the governmet between the Bolsheviks lead by Vladimir Lenin and the anti-communist Whites. By the end of December in 1922, the Bolsheviks had won the civil war and the Soviet Union was created when the "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republics", "Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic", and two others merged into one state.
    Source: notlettingmepost
  • The Russo-Finnish War

    The Russo-Finnish War
    At the begnning of WWII, the Soviets asked Finland for the right to build a naval base in their land. Finland refused many times so the Soviets declared war on the Finninsh. This war was in the winter, so the war is commonly refered to as the Winter War, but more properly it is called the Russo-Finnish War. The Russians attacked with about one million men on many fronts. Over winter, the Fins put up a stratiegic defence, but in February of 1940, the Russians used massive artillery bombardments
  • The Russo-Finnish War (Cont.)

    The Russo-Finnish War (Cont.)
    to break through the southern line. The Finnish made a peace aggrement on March 12, 1940.
    Source: "Russo-Finnish War (Russo-Finnish History, 1939-40) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
    "Winter War." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
  • Cold War between Russia and the US

    Cold War between Russia and the US
    Ever heard of nuclear warheads? I thought so. During the late 1930s all the major military powers in the world wanted to figure out how to build nuclear weapons. The US showed their accomplishment on Japan in 1946. They dropped two bombs on major cities in Japan. Back in the States, after WWII was over, President Truman declared that the US would not support communism. Historians don't agree on when the Cold War started as it was't publicly announced, but most agree it was after this that the
  • Cold War between Russia and the US (continued)

    Cold War between Russia and the US (continued)
    Soviets and the US were going to compete. After WWII, the US grew suspitions about Russia and their nuclear advancements, plus what they would do with the advancements, considering the fact they had taken quite a bit of land from Western Europe. Russia suspected the US also, considering they had just dropped two bombs on Japan. The two countries raced to get as many nuclear warheads as possible, until finally around 1960 both countries realized that, along with the hydrogen bomb, they could,
  • Cold War between Russia and the US (continued)

    Cold War between Russia and the US (continued)
    literally destroy the world (1990).
    Source: "Cold War 1945-1960." Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
    "The Smartphone Cold War: Is the Motorola Mobility Acquisition Google’s Greatest Move, Or Their Worst? Cold War â" | Google Android News, Reviews, and Forums. Web. 18 Jan. 2012
  • Collapse of the USSR

    Collapse of the USSR
    In 1991, Russia became independant right as the Soviet Union collapsed. Ukrain, Belarus, and Russia the form the "Commonweath of Independant States". All of the countries previously in the USSR eventually join except the Baltic States.
  • President Boris Yeltsin suspends Parliament

    President Boris Yeltsin suspends Parliament
    President Boris Yeltsin suspended the government because of conflicting views with the communist MPs (Members of Parliament). He aslo called for new elections in the Parliament. The MPs responded by barricading themselves in the Parliament buildings. This angered Yeltsin. After 8 hours of the stand-off, Yeltsin brought in tanks. He wanted democracy over the Communists before Communism came on the rise again. He gave up the plan of invading the "White House" because of civilian interference. He
  • President Boris Yeltsin suspends Parliament (Cont.)

    President Boris Yeltsin suspends Parliament (Cont.)
    slyly took control of the government over the next few weeks.
    Source: Brinkworth, Malcolm. "BBC - History - World Wars: The Soviet Union's Last Stand." BBC - Homepage. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
    Service, Robert. "Boris Yeltsin News - The New York Times." Times Topics - The New York Times. 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
  • Yeltsin appoints Putin as acting President then resigns (Conti.)

    Yeltsin appoints Putin as acting President then resigns (Conti.)
    Vladimir Putin has since then decreased poverty by 50% as well as raise the GDP by 72% and raided the monthly salary from $80 to $640.
    Source: "Russian's Surprise Move Gives Power to Putin - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 01 Jan. 2000. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
    "Vladimir Putin Will Run for Russian President Again in 2012 | Cleveland Leader." Cleveland Leader | Cleveland News & More! Web. 17 Jan. 2012. <http://ww
  • Yeltsin appoints Vladimir Putin as acting President then resigns

    Yeltsin appoints Vladimir Putin as acting President then resigns
    On New Years Eve, Boris Yeltsin made a surprise move and resigned, granting Vladimir Putin the position of acting President. He was sorry for his "faliures" and his inability to lead the country into a prosperous future. "I would like to apologize for having failed to justify the hopes of the people who believed that we would be able to make a leap from the gloomy and stagnant totalitarian past to a bright, prosperous and civilized future at just one go," he said on National TV.
  • Russian national anthem is revised

    Russian national anthem is revised
    After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia needed an anthem that didn't reflect Communism. At first, Yeltsin created one that was an instumental version of the Soviet anthem. They govenment held many contests to try to find lyrics for the anthem, but none were adopted. Vladimir Putin then decide that the anthem would be lyrics that define the past of Russia.
    Source: "National Anthem of Russia." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 Jan. 2012. <
  • Female suicide bomber blows up bus in Russia

    Female suicide bomber blows up bus in Russia
    In June of 2003, a female sucide bomber blows up a bus filled with military personnel. The blast killed at least 16 people. Investigators say it was a Chechen rebel. This event hurt the inserted thought from the government that relations were getting better with Chechnya, where there were rebels and outlaws for the past two years.
    Source: "Female Suicide Bomber Blows Up Bus." The Moscow Times | Russia's Only Daily English-language Newspaper. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <