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International Crisis

  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On this date the next to take the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assasinated in Sarajevo while riding through the streets with his wife. He was killed by a Serbian Nationalist and this event was the cornerstone event which sparked WWI. It caused Austria to declare war on Serbia
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    Battle of the Marne

    This battle was fought between French/British and German forces. It happened due to the Allies preventing the further advncement of German troops into France. It resulted in an Allied victory and the retreat of advancing German troops into France.
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    Battle of Verdun

    Battle on the Western Front between the German Empire and the French. It was one of the largest battles of the First World War and resulted in a French Victory.
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    Battle of the Somme

    Fought Between British/French and German Forces. One of the bloodiest battles in military history. Over 1.5 million dead Allied and Central Powers troops by the end of the campaign. The battle resulted in no decisive winner.
  • Armistice of Compiègne

    Armistice of Compiègne
    The armistice that offically ended fighting on the Western Front was signed. This offically ended the Great War and this began peace negotiations for after the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The peace treaty that ended the state of war between the Allied Powers and Germany. This treated stated the conseqences for Germany which included paying reparations, territorial changes, and other various actions.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Invasion of Poland by Germany. Offical beginning of WWII
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    A surpirise attack by the Japanese against the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This attack brought the United States into WWII. "A day that will live in infamy"
  • Doolittle Raid

    Doolittle Raid
    The Doolittle Raid or Tokyo Raid, was an air raid on the capital city of Tokyo and other locations of the Japanese mainland. Led by James Doolittle, 16 B-25 bombers attacked for a retaliation of the Attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • D-Day

    The largest amphibious landing in history and the beginning of the Allied liberation of Nazi Ocupied Europe. Also known as Operation Overlord
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    Operation Market Garden

    A failed Allied Airborne campaign that took place in Nazi Occupied Netherlands. Airborne and Infantry divisions invaded in an attempt to make the invasion of Germany easier but failed resulting in Axis Victory
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Last Major German offensive of WWII in an attempt to change the tide of the war. In the Ardennes, Germans attacked the Allies. Allied Forces held up against the attack and crushed the German opposition.Decisive Allied Victory and sealed the war in the Western Front fo the Allies
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Victory in Europe Day. The offical end of the war in Europe and the offical surrender of Nazi Germany.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    The offical end of the War in Japan. The offical surrender of the Empire of Japan
  • N.Korea crosses 38th Paralell

    N.Korea crosses 38th Paralell
    The official beginning of the Korean War. The North Korean Military crossed the 38th paralell which split the two nations and invaded S.Korea
  • Battle of Osan

    Battle of Osan
    This was the first major engagment between United States and North Korean forces of the Korean War. It occured in Osan, South Korea and resulted in a decisive North Korean Victory.
  • Invasion of Inchon

    Invasion of Inchon
    This was an amphibious and land invasion of Inchon, North Korea by United Nations forces led by General Douglas MacArthur. This resulted in United Nations victory which helped their forces take Seoul two weeks later. The name for this operation was Operation Chromite.
  • Dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur

    Dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur
    President Harry S. Truman removes General MacArthur from his command of the United States armed forces. This is done because Truman is irritated by MacArthur's public adresses about the War.
  • Armsice ends the Korean War

    Armsice ends the Korean War
    On this day, people from the United Nations, North Korea, and China argee on an armstice. This officially ends the war and established a demilitarized zone along the 38th Paralell.
  • Battle of Khe Sanh

    Battle of Khe Sanh
    The longest and deadliest battle of the Vietnam War.
  • Battle of Hue

    Battle of Hue
    One of the longest and bloodiest battles in the Vietnam War. US and ARVN fought against NVA and Viet Cong Troops before the US finally took control and victory of the city of Hue.
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    Tet Offensive

    Major offensive by the Viet Cong and NVA Forces.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Massacre of 531 Vietnamese cilvilians by United States troops on March 16th, 1968.
  • Battle of Hill 937 (Hamburger Hill)

    Battle of Hill 937 (Hamburger Hill)
    United States frontal assault on Hill 937, a heavily fotified and strategic posistion held by the NVA. The United States took the Hill, but abandoned it soonafter. Called Hamburger Hill due to serverity and grusomness of the battle
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Apollo 11, the first spaceflight that landed humans on the moon. Neil Armstorng and Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon and Michael Collins piloted the shuttle. This event officially ened the Space Race between the US and Russia.
  • Woodstock

    A music festivel held on Max Yasgur's farm in White Lake, NY. In 4 days over 32 acts performed drawing a crowd of over 400,000 people. It is one of the largest music events in history and is the largest counterculture event in history.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    On May 4th, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen fired upon students of Kent State University located in Kent, Ohio.These guardsmen were being attacked in a riot and fired 67 rounds in 13 seconds killing four students and injuring 9 more.
  • Jackson State Killings

    Jackson State Killings
    On May 15th, 1970, city and state police fired upon a group of students at Jackson State University located in Jackson, Mississippi. The aftermath of the shooting was two students dead and 11 injured.
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    Lam Son 719

    First offensive led exclusivly by the South Vietnamese Forces during the war. Beginning of United States exciting the War
  • Ratification of the 26th Amendment

    Ratification of the 26th Amendment
    The 26th Amendment of the United States Constitution was added on July 1st, 1969. This changed the voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old. This was a highly pushed for amendment because people believed if you could fight you should be able to vote.
  • Last U.S Troops leave Vietnam

    Last U.S Troops leave Vietnam
    On tthis day, we extracted the last United States combat tropps left in Vietnam. We had left all the fighting to the South Vietnamese troops. To add, with the extraction of our troops, we still left aids to the South Vietnamese.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    This was the complete end of the Vietnam War. North Vietnam and VietCong troops began their final attack on the South Vietnamese capital, The United States extracted all of its personel from the City and shortly after, it fell to the North Vietnamese.
  • Hussein invades Kuwait

    Hussein invades Kuwait
    Saddam Hussein invades the counrty of Kuwait. Causes conflict in region and Saudi Arabia and Egypt call for international help.
  • Operation Desert Storm Begins

    Operation Desert Storm Begins
    Operation Desert Strom begins. Use of stealth bombers, cruise missles, Smart Bombs and nightime bombimg equipment.
  • Operation Sabre

    Operation Sabre
    Groud Offensive of Operation Desert Shield begins. Storming of Kuwait and Southern part of Iraq
  • Slovenia and Croatia declare Independence

    Slovenia and Croatia declare independence from Yuogoslavia. Begins a Civil War. Milosevic sides with Slovenia and focueses on Croatia.
  • Bosnia Declares Independence

    Bosnia Declares Independence
    Bosnia declares independence from Yugoslavia. Milosevic responds by attacking the Capital City.
  • UN Resolution 751

    This UN operation authorizes humanitarian relief effort. Establishes UN operations in Somalia.
  • US forces Arrive in Mogadishu

    US forces Arrive in Mogadishu
    U.s Marine and Navy Seals arrive in the capital of Somalia to help secure the area
  • Attack on Sarajevo

    Attack on Sarajevo
    The capital city of Bosnia, Sarajevo, is attacked by Milosevic. 68 killed and more than 200 wounded. international call for help.
  • NATO begins Bombing of Bosnia

    NATO begins Bombing of Bosnia
    NATO Bombers begin to bomb the region of Bosnia. Thery do this in hopes it will push Milosevic towards ending this conflict.
  • Peace Talks with Milosevic

    Peace Talks with Milosevic
    Talks of peace begin with Milosevic to end all the conflict in the region. This occurs at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and they argreed on it being split into two main portions: Bosnian Serb Republic and Muslim-Croat Federation
  • Persian Gulf War Begins

    Persian Gulf War Begins
    The Persian Gulf War II (Iraq War) begins in the Middle East