Jan 1, 1348
Black Death
Spanned from 1348-1351; drastically lowers European population; leads to deeper research in medicine; caused economic, social, political, and cultural upheaval -
Jan 1, 1350
From 1350-1550; revived the cultural and intellectual aspects of Europe; "rebirth of antiquity or Greco-Roman civilization" -
Jul 6, 1415
Council of Constance burns John Hus
Revo;utionary upheval in Bohemia; Hussite wars in Holy Roman Empire until 1436 -
Nov 14, 1417
Council of Constance ends Great Schism
Martin V new official pope -
Jan 1, 1450
Spans from 1450-1600; Turned Europe's economy into a "commercial and industrial capitalitic system"'; conntections with foreigners established -
May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
Marked the end of the Roman Empire; dealt a huge blow to Christianity -
Oct 19, 1453
End of the Hundred Years' War
Nationalism became stronger in England and France; England and France pretty much became eternal enemies; England developed parliamentary democracy; -
Jan 1, 1455
Invention of the printing press
Higher literacy; faster production of the Bible in the vernacular -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus 'finds' America
New lands found for Spain; Native Americans becoming slaves, assimilated into 'American culture'; spread of Christianity -
Nov 25, 1492
Cpmpletion of Reconquista in Spain
A new Spain was established; Moors and Jews ran out of Spain; Catholisim officail religion -
Jan 1, 1500
Early Modern Society
Spanned from 1500-1700; English population increased, casuing inflation: industry picks up -
Jan 1, 1500
Price Revolution
Spanned the 1500s; higher inflation by 2-3%; prices for food went up but not wages, profit inflation; more government tax -
Oct 31, 1517
Luther posts 95 theses
kickstarts the Protestant and Catholic Reformation; led to the rise of Lutheranism -
Jan 1, 1518
Protestant & Catholic Reformations
Spaned the 16th century; reformed Christianity, opened the doors to religious toleration -
Aug 13, 1519
Cortez conquers Aztecs
Near extinction of Aztec's and their culture; results in modern day Mexico being mostly Spanish -
Jun 1, 1524
Religious Wars
Spanned from the 1520s to 1650; Protestant church more dependent upon the state; Catholicism official religioin of France, Hugenots given rights -
Nov 1, 1534
Act of SUpermacy in England creates Anglican Church
Divorce now allowed; pushes the need for church reform faster -
Jan 1, 1536
Calvin establishes reformed faith in Geneva
begins ministry; Ecclesiastical Ordinances (new church consitition), the Consistory (enforced moral discipline); Geneva center of Protestantism -
Jan 1, 1543
Scientific Revolution
Spanned 1543-1687; modern science emerged (i.e. astronomy, biology) -
May 1, 1543
Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
New way of thinking; uncertainty about God (i.e. location' exsistence) and the Church's validity -
Mar 1, 1545
Council of Trent opens
Roman Catholic Church ained a clear doctrine; church became unified under pope supremacy -
Jan 1, 1550
Age of Crisis
Spanned 1550-1650; Little Ice Age occured; famine; which led t an unhappy populace which led to revolts -
Jan 1, 1550
Dutch Commercial Dominance
Spanned 1550-1650; Amsterdam finacial center of Europe, Dutch now Europe's bankers -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
ends religous wars in Germany between German Catholics and Lutherans; Catholism and Lutheranism equal; German princes choose own realm's religion -
Jan 16, 1556
Charles V abdicates
New Holy Roman Emperor was Ferdinand I; new king of Spanish Empire Phillip II -
Jan 1, 1580
Witchcraft Scare
Spanned 1580-1650; old, widowed women targeted and burned for being witches/heresy -
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Made England a world power; introduced long-range weapons in naval warfare -
Edict of Nantes ends French religious wars
Catholicism official religioin of France; Hugenots given rights -
Baroque Art
Spanned 1600-1750; "religious themes in direct and emotional involvement" -
Commericial Revolution
Spanned 1600-1700; described as "period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism"; increased general commerce; growth of banking, insurance, and investing -
Dutch East India Company founded
Dutch settled in Africa -
Conflict between Parliament and King in England
Spanned 1603-1689; results in civil war; constant flipflop between power, Parliament comes out on top -
Stuart monarchy begins in England
English civil war; Restoration of the Crown; Act of Settlement in 1701 (only Protestants could rule) -
Age of Louis XIV
Spanned 1643-1715; had a great rule until 1683; left enlarged territories, huge debt, and unhappy people for his sucessors -
Peace of Westphalia ends Thiry Years' War
All German states could choose thier own religion; religion and politics separate -
Exceution of King Charles I
end of the English civil war, monarchy destroyed -
Spanned 1650-1750; a period where monarchs had absolute power -
Rise of Prussia
Spanned 1650-1763; Prussia becomes a world power -
Commercial Wars
Spanned 1650-1763; countries warred over resources; established temporary stakes on trade and land -
Newton publishes 'Principia Mathematica'
Universal law of gravitation; three laws of motion; world-machne -
Glourious Revoultion
Revoultion settlement (William II and Mary officailly monarchs); Parliment's Bill of Rights (Parliament could levy taxes, make laws, and king must get the ok with them before raising a standing army); Toleration Act of 1689 (Puritan dissenters have right to free public worship); divine right theory abolished -
Peter the Great's reign begins in Russia
Westernization of Russia -
Rise of Russia
Spanned 1689-1815; Russia became a world power -
Bank of England founded
becomes model for most modern central banks; banker for the government from then to now being the banker for the United Kingdom -
Spans the 18th cen; "era in Western philosophy, intellectual, scientific and cultural life, centered upon the 18th century, in which reason was advocated as the primary source for legitimacy and authority" -
Agricultural Revoultion
Spanned 18th cen; "transformation of the traditional agricultural system that began in Britain"; -
Peace of Utrecht
Ended War of Spanish Succession; preserved the European system based on the balance of power; Franve stopped trying to dominate -
Death of Louis XIV
regent: duke of Orleans, bad king; Cardinal Fleury, good king, short reign; Louis XV, bad king, heavily influenced by Madame de Pompadour; rule of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette led to French Revoultion -
Rococo Art
Spanned 1720-1760; "Late Baroque"; Used ornate and light colors, asymmetrical designs, curves, and gold -
War of Austrian Sucession begins
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Maria Theresa confirmed Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary; all land given back except Silesia -
Industrial Revolution
Spanned 1750-1850; child labor; "transition to new manufacturing processes" -
Treaty of Paris
ends Sven Years' War; began British dominace outside of Europe; Britain protects Roman Catholisim in New World -
American Revolution
America no longer part of Europe; France in deeper massive debt; wider international peace -
Adam Smith publishes 'Wealth of Nations'
One of the first books on what builds nations' wealth -
Age of Revolutions
Spanned 1789-1848; a large number of revolutions occured in this period (i.e. Belguim, France), showed that the peoples needs were changing so adjustments had to be made -
French Revoulton begins
institutions of old regime destroyed, new order created; new ideals, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" -
Spanned from 1790-1980s, still highly influential today; A movement calling for the complete equality of women to men and vice versa -
Rise of Nationalism
Spanned 1790s-1914; common 'national idenitity' led to the formation of Germany, Italy, and Romania; striked up by the French Revolution and the ENlightenment; -
Wollstonecraft publishes 'Vindication of Rights of Women'
Begins feminist movement -
Napoleon comes to power in France
Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe; established public education and parliamentary law; Napoleonic Wars; French economy ruined; dictatorship -
Spanned 1800-1850; artistic, literary, and intellectual movement; revolt against societys norms -
Second abdication of Napoleon
the absolute end of Napoleon's reign -
Rise of Liberalism
Spanned 1830-1870s; foundation laid by the Glourious Revolution; started belief in natural rights and laissez-faire; aniceient regimes toppled -
July Revolution in France
Spanned Jul 27-29; Charles X abdicated; bourgeoisie created the July Monarchy -
Belgian independence
the main European powers recognized Belgium's de facto independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. -
Marx and Engels publish ' Communist Manifesto'
"one of the world's most influential political manuscripts"; on the class struggle, capitialism problems, and how capitialism will be replaced with socialism then communism -
Revolutions of 1848
Spanned from Feb 23, 1848-early 1849; most widespread revolutionary wave in European history; aimed to dethrone feudalism and create independent national states -
Realism and Materialism
Spanned 1850-1870s; "Realism is taken to be more concerned with epistemology whereas materialism is more concerned with doing justice to the things themselves" -
Spanned 1850-1814; the act of a country taking over another area as it's own, such as England making the colonies (America) -
Second Industrial Revolution
Spanned 185-1914; railroads, iron and steel production, machinery in manufacturing, steam power, use of oil, beginning of electricity -
Rise of Modern Society
Spanned 1850-1900; urbanization occured; womn gained more rights -
Modern Ideas and Science
Spanned 1850-1920s; led to a better general understanding of the universe and a more oprnminded soceity -
Unification and Nation-Building
Spanned 1850-1875; new countries created (i.e. Germany); arised from greater sense of nationalism -
Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain
Spanned from May 1-Oct 11; first in a series of World's Fair exhibitions of culture and industry -
Britain establishes direct rule of India
Indian Rebellion of 1857 happens; East India Company breaks up; British Raj -
Darwin publishes 'Origin of the Species'
The foundation of evolutionary biology -
Italy unified
started by the literal and political movement, Risorgimento; Venetia and Rome temporarily left out; -
Emancipation of the Russian Serfs
Serfs could now own property, marry by their choice, trade as they pleased, sue in court, vote in local elections, and buy land from their previous owners -
Modern Art
Spanned 1870-1920; introduction of new types of art (i.e. realism, imperssionism, symbolism, expressionims, etc.) -
Unification of Germany
Wilhelm of Prussia declared emperor of the German Empire; exposes the cultral differences within Germany -
Paris Commune and Third Republic in France
Third Rebublic occured due to the repression of the Paris Commune (an uprising from March 18 to May 28, 1871); 3rd Republic marked by social stability, industrialization, and a professional civil service -
Berlin Conference
Spanned from1884-1885; over imperialism in Africa; "regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period" -
Freud publishes 'Interpretaion of Dreams'
theory of the Oedipus complex -
Einstein publishes relativity theory
Allowed for new discoveries in astronomy -
Russian Revolution of 1905
Lasted until June 16th, 1907; led to the establishment of limited constitutional monarchy, the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the multi-party system, and the Russian Constitution of 1906 -
World War I begins
Economy boost in America, economic decline in Europe; more liberal forms of government adopted; angered German after being mistreated in Treaty of Versailles, World War II; people began to distrust their governments -
World Wars
Spanned 1914-1945; Economy boost in America, economic decline in Europe; more liberal forms of government adopted; angered German after being mistreated in Treaty of Versailles, World War II; people began to distrust their governments; Creation of the United Nations and NATO; International Monetary Fund (international tariff regulation); beginning of the nuclear power industry -
Congress of Vienna
Spanned from Sept 1914-June 1915; meant to settle issues from the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolutionary Wars; formed the framework for European international politics until World War I -
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
Nicholas II abdicated; Imperial and Provisional Government collapsed; USSR created; Beginning of the Russian Civil War -
Treaty of Versailles
ends World War I; disgruntled Germany (economic instability, hyper-inflation), leads to rise of Hitler -
Spanned 1920s-1945; "state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible"; (i.e. Nazi germany) -
Facists and Mussolini come to power in Italy
Public works program; reduced unemployment; Pact of Steel, Italy's alliance with Germany -
Beginning of the Great Depression
Spanned from 1929-1939; declines in industrial output; increasing unemployment; banks closing; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation created -
Hitler comes to power in Germany
the Holocaust; World War II; the Nazi party, modern day neo-Nazis -
Munich Confrence
height of appeasement; Czechoslovakia feels betrayed; led to the attack of Czechoslovakia and Poland, thus leading directly to World War II -
World War II begins
Creation of the United Nations and NATO; International Monetary Fund (international tariff regulation); beginning of the nuclear power industry -
Cold War
Spanned 1945-1991; led to popular culture (i.e. nuclear warfare, espionage); "United States remained as the world's only superpower" -
European Unity
Spans from1945-now; the first succesful European alliance -
World War II ends
U.S. (world leader) and USSR now world powers, England & France weak; Germany & Japan completely defeated -
Formation of the Unied Nations
promotes international co-operation; replaced League of Nations; aspires to "maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict." -
NATO formed
Warsaw Pact between USSR and surrounding countries; Marshall plan enacted to help NATO allies rebulid and lower rise of communism -
European Coal and Steel Community formed
Meant to unify European countries after World War II; led to the founding of the European Union -
Stalin dies
"led to a temporary thaw in Cold War tensions" -
Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech
denounced Stalin's dictatorship and his personality cult by saying it didnt match up with Communist Party ideals -
Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Lasted until 10 November 1956; highly influential, played part in downfall of USSR -
Treaty of Rome
Created the European Economic Community which wanted "free movement of labor and capital, the abolition of trusts and cartels, and the development of joint and reciprocal policies on labor, social welfare, agriculture, transport, and foreign trade." -
Sputnik launched
education reforms in the United States; creation of NASA; Apollo 11 -
Fifth Republic
crafted by de Gaulle and Michel Debré; exceutive power increased -
Berlin Wall erected
prevented the massive emigration and defection; families separated, people unable to get to their jobs, unhappy populace of Germans -
Second Vatican Council begins
Renewed Catholic doctrine from a modern viewpoint -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Lasted until the 28th of October; U.S. & USSR create Moscow–Washington hotline; U.S. will never invade Cuba without being directly provoked; withdrawl of missiles from Cuba and Turkey -
Czech "Prague Spring" revolt
"ended with a Soviet invasion, the removal of Alexander Dubček as party leader and an end to reform within Czechoslovakia" -
Student revolts in France
Students of Sorbonne University and Paris University at Nanterre protst police occupation of the schools and their closing; teachers and workers joined them leading to the fleeing of de Gaulle (the president) -
Helsinki Accords
height of détente; first act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe; attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West; not binding -
John Paul II elected pope
second longest-serving pope in modern history; helped end Communist rule; improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion; supported the Church's Second Vatican Council -
Thatcher elected prime minister in Britain
Britian's first female prime minister; implemented policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism -
USSR invades Afghanistan
USSR gains control of Kabul & other Large parts of the country; Afghan Civil War continued; USSR forces left Afghanistan; Geneva Accords of 1988 (settlement) -
Solidarność founded in Poland
Solidarity Movement from 1980-1989; created independent political space; "Solidarity always pursued its political objectives with a high degree of nonviolent discipline as well as self-imposed limitations...national compromise and peaceful transfer of power in 1989...path of a successful democratization that also carried important hallmarks of its civil resistance legacy" -
Gorbachev comes to power in USSR
contributed to the end of the Cold War; got rid of the role of the Communist Party in state governing -
Berlin Wall falls and communism collapses
Lasted until Oct 3, 1990; reunited Germany; ended the Cold War; communism ended -
Balkan Conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia
Spanned 1991-June 21, 1999; Crotia and Slovenia formed; "change in the political status of Kosovo" -
Break up of USSR
end of the Cold War; formation of the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State, the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and the Eurasian Union to enhance economic and security cooperation. -
Maastricht Treaty creates European Union
operates through a system of supranational institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions by the member states; origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community -
Euro currency introduced
The eurozone was created -
Terroist attacks on the United States
9/11; resulted in higher natinal security in the US -
Rise of the Middle Class
Spanned the 18th cen; no longer a huge gap between the rich and the poor