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Interactive Timeline "A War" American Revolution U.S History

By MrWyss
  • Period: to

    French & Indian War

    The French & Indian war began in 1754, with a dispute over the upper Ohio River Valley, and ended in 1763 . After the British won the battle, the debt the war had accumulated lead to the three major taxes on the colonists. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • Period: to

    Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty was a Political Organized that was formed in 1765 and disbanded in 1776. It was founded in order to advance the rights of the colonists and fight against the taxation against the British Empire. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    The British passed the Stamp Act on March 22, 1765, in order to pay for the British Troops during the Seven Year War. Taxing colonists with stamps on Papers, documents, and playing card, which caused general unrest. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The British passed the Townshend Act in June 29, 1767, in order to pay for the British Troops during the Seven Year war. This taxed paper, lead, paint, and tea, which the colonists greatly protested, causing the British to send troops to enforce the rules. [Source #1]( [Source #2]( Source #3
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a Riot that occurred on March 5, 1770, on King Street that quickly escalated into a slaughter when a brawl broke out and a British troop shot. When the Boston Massacre happened, it caused heavy anti-British sentiment amongst the Colonists creating higher tensions. [Source #1] ( [Source #2]( [Source #3](
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party was a political protest that occurred on the December 16, 1773, where the Sons of Liberty dumped more than 300 chests of tea into the harbor. This was one of the first major acts of defiance against the British rule over colonists, which aided in the start for the fight of Independence. [Source #1]( [Source #2]( [Source #3](
  • Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)

    Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
    In May 20, 1774 after the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable acts were enacted which aimed to punish the Colonists for their defiance. As a result of the Intolerable acts, even more colonists started to turn against the British. Source #1 Source #2 (Source #3](
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    The Battle of Lexington & Concord happened on April 19, 1775, with the British sending troops to suppress and seize weapons from the colonists. Instead it gave rise to the first battle of the revolutionary war and was considered a military victory for the colonists. [Source #1]( [Source #2]( [Source #3](
  • Olive Branch Petition Sent to England

    Olive Branch Petition Sent to England
    On July 5th 1775, The Olive Branch Petition was formed by the Congress and sent to the British as a last attempt to prevent formal war from being declared. The King Refused to read it before declaring the Colonists as traitors and issued more rules to punish them. [Source #1]( [Source #2]( [Source #3](
  • Articles of Confederation Created

    Articles of Confederation Created
    The Articles of Confederation was created on November 15, 1777, it served as America's first constitution, allowing the Congress to gain the power to declare war and manage relations. It helped establish the functions of the National Government of the United States after it declared independence from the British. [Source #1]( [Source #2]( [Source #3](
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown began on September 28, 1781, and proved itself as a decisive battle for the American Revolution. After hours of Bombardment, The British General surrendered to George Washington, effectively ending the war for independence. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention took place In may 25, 1787, where officials discussed how America was going to be governed, revising the current. Becoming the first written constitution during the time as well as creating the three major compromises. [Source #1]( Source #2 Source #3
  • 3/5 Compromise Constitution is Ratified.

    3/5 Compromise Constitution is Ratified.
    The 3/5 Compromise Constitution was Ratified in June 6, 1787 between the Northern and Southern States at the United States Constitutional Convention. Three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation, this allowed the southern states to ensure an equal amount of slave states and free states. [Source #1]( Source #2 Source #3
  • Great Compromise

    Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise was created on July 16, 1787, it provided a duel system of congressional representation, The House of Representatives had seats proportional to population, and the Senate all states had the same number of seats. This helped solve the issue of representation, allowing for both equal representation and proportion representation. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • Constitution is Ratified

    Constitution is Ratified
    On June 21, 1788, The Constitution became the official framework of the government of the United States creating fundamental laws and rights for citizens. Creating checks and balances for three Branches, dividing power between federal government and the states, and protects the individual liberties of American citizens. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3
  • Bills of Rights adopted

    Bills of Rights adopted
    The Bill of Rights were adopted on November, 15, 1791, and were created to guarantee the civil rights and liberties of citizens like freedom of speech, press, and religion. This allowed the limitation of government power and the protection of individual rights and liberty. Source #1 Source #2 Source #3