Instructional Timeline

  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    Dr. Montessori at the age of 13 attended boys tech school. Seven years later she enjoyed engineering than became a physician. Her 'House of Children" embraced 50 children out of the skurts of Rome. Maria's beliief system tranformed their lives. Many traveled to see her most natural, life supporting environment for children. She qotes, "The human techers help great work that is being done, as servants help the master!"
  • Clara Belle Baker

    Clara Belle Baker
    Leader in Early Childhood Education, formed the Baker Progressive school, which prepares children for living together in a democracy. Students are educated as members of a changing and developing society.Clara Belle Baker believed that children enjoyd being challend by unaswered questions and problems. she also used innovative teaching tecniques.
  • Marie Clay

    Marie Clay
    Reading Recovery Intervention Progam with intense 1:1 lessons to promote laearning.
  • Jean Warren

    Jean Warren
    preschool expressAuthor and editor of many children's books. Jean Warren provides programming that promotes, thinking, language, movement, compreheniosn, art, literature and emtional skills for the young.
  • Catherine Snow

    Catherine Snow
    Expert on language literary development. Focused on oral language skills and how they relate to literary outcomes.
  • Dr. Susan Burns

    Dr. Susan Burns
    Instructional, intentional, and differentiated teachings, special needs and highly intuned to young children's approcaches in areas of cognition and learning.
  • Dr. James F. Christie.

    Dr. James F. Christie.
    Reknown aurthor who focused on childplay, early literacy and language. Co Director of three Early Reading First Projects.
  • Dr. Jean

    Dr. Jean
    Dr. Jean uses wonderful creative strategies to engage children in the areas of literacy through music, puppetry and handmovements. She also makes available strategies that promote phonemic awarenes through age apporpirate lessons.
  • Dr. Donald J Richgels

    Dr. Donald J Richgels
    Designed early literacy programs, preventive reading strategies, implemented differentiated instructions in preschool and programming developed that supports young readers and writers.
  • Kathleen A. Roskos