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Instructional Technology Historical Timeline

  • Visual Instruction Movement 1905 - 1930's

    Visual Instruction Movement 1905 - 1930's
  • First School Museum opens in St. Louis

    First School Museum opens in St. Louis
    School museums provided visual media for use in the classroom. This included stereographs, prints, charts, slides and film.
  • Period: to

    Instructional Technology Historical timeline

  • Schools adopt film for regular use

    Schools adopt film for regular use
    The Rochester, New York school district was the first to adopt films for regular use.
  • Thomas Edison proclaims, "books will soon be obsolete...."

    Thomas Edison proclaims, "books will soon be obsolete...."
    The motion picture projector created a wave of enthusiasm over the anticipated revolution it would cause in the educational world. Thomas Edison made a prediction that education would be drastically changed in the next 10 years. Due to various factors including teacher resistance to change, and poor quality of the materials, this did not come about.
  • Audiovisual Instruction Movement 1925 to 1955

    Audiovisual Instruction Movement 1925 to 1955
    Advancements in technology allowed for the addition of sound. Impact was limited due to teacher resistance, costs of providing materials, poor quality of media, difficulty of working the equipment and the Great Depression
  • DVI (AECT) is organized

    DVI (AECT) is organized
    Association for Educational Communications and Technology Three national organizations merged to form the Department of Visual Instruction, which today is known as the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
  • WWII Extensive use of instructional technology 1938-1945

    WWII Extensive use of instructional technology   1938-1945
    While use of technology slowed in the schools with the onset of the war, audiovisual media were used extensively in the training of military personel. The US Army Air Force produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips.
  • Theories of Communication are developed

    Theories of Communication are developed
    Shannon and Weaver (1949) among others became interested in models of communicaton as a process involving a sender, a receiver, and a medium through which the communication is sent.
  • Use of television gains momentum

    Use of television gains momentum
    This was promoted by two factors: The Federal Communications Commission set aside 242 channels for educational use, and The Ford Foundation provided massive funding during the 50's and 60's.
  • Computer-assisted instruction developed by IBM

    Computer-assisted instruction developed by IBM
    During the 1950's IBM worked to develop computer-assisted instruction programs (CAI) which were some of the first to be used in public schools. Although a promising development, it had little impact on education through the 70's.
  • 75% of secondary schools using computers

    75% of secondary schools using computers
    The computer did not become widely used until the 1980's.
  • Computers become widely accessible 1990

    Computers become widely accessible 1990
    The 1990's saw wide spread accessibility to computers, both at home and in schools.
  • Rapid advancements in digital technology 21st Century

    Rapid advancements in digital technology 21st Century
    The late 1990's and the 21st century have seen rapid advancements in digital technology. Affordability, ease of use and interativity have all contributed to the entensive development of Instructional Design and Technology within education, business and the military.