John Dewey
John Dewey established Laboratory School for testing his theories and their sociological implications -
Watson, Skinner, Sekhenov Stereograph, Slides, Film, Prints, Charts, Magic Lantern Stereoptican -
Ivan Pavlov
Ivan Pavlov publishes his findings on Classical conditioning -
John Watson
John B. Watson launches the Behavorist Revolution -
Conditioned Emotional Reactions
John Watson & Roasalie Rayner publish conditioned emotional reactions -
Teaching Machine
Sidney Pressey invents a testing and teaching machine. -
8-Year Study on behavioral objectives
Ralph W. Tyler - Eight Year Study use of general and behavioral objectives and formative evaluation -
Emergent Man
William Bagley writes Education and Emergent Man. -
Television Broadcasting
Regularly scheduled television begins broadcasting in U.S. -
WWII = $ funds for education research
World War II led to an increase in funding for education and research development -
Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience
Ralph Tyler's Basic Principles of Curriculum & Instruction
Tyler publishes book -
Alan Turing publishes Computing Machinery & Intelligence
Military term "Task Analysis"
The term task analysis references procedures for anticipating job requirements of new equipment under development. http://my-ecoach.com/project.php?id=12152&project_step=31609 -
B. F. Skinner
Publishes the Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. Later creates & displays a machine created to teach arithmetic using an instructional program. -
Soviet launch of Sputnik also launched funding for education in math and science -
Roby Kidd publishes How Adults Learn
Jerome Bruner publishes The Process of Education
Robert Miller develops task analysis procedures
Robert Mager publishes Preparing Instructional Objectives
The book helps to push ideas on performance objectives used in education. -
Instructional System
Robert Glasser coins the term instructional system and created observable and measurable data points. -
The Keller Plan
Jerome Bruner's model of Discovery Learning
McMaster University introduces Problem-Based Learning
Criterion Reference Instruction
CRI framework created by Robert Mager is a set of methods for training. -
Apple I Computer
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs create the first Apple Computer -
Seymour Papert publishes Mindstorms
The Component Display Theory
MD Merrill develops the Component Display Theory. -
Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner develops the concept of a person having multiple intelligences in his book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. -
Apple Macintosh Computer is introduced
Elaboration Theory
Bernie Dodge & Tom March create the Webquest
Four-Component Instructional Design System 4C/ID-Model
Jeroen J. G. Van Merrienboer updates the Four-Component Instructional Design System he had developed in 1992.