Inspiration View Elementary Histomap

  • IVES Conception

    District ideas and funding were set in place in order to raise IVES.
  • Beam Ceremony

    The District broke ground and started construction on IVES with the beam ceremony
  • Planning Committee Expanded

    The core planning committee members expanded the group to include different stakeholders (including teachers for the school).
  • Introduction to the Community

    Mrs. Rigdon and the District introduced IVES to the community, gave an overview of our mission, and information on attending our school
  • Interviewing Staff

    Leadership interviewed potential staff members to help open the school.
  • Kennedy Center for the Arts in Austin, TX

    The core planning team were sent to the Kennedy Center for an intensive look into Arts Integration
  • Capturing Kids Hearts

    All staff were training in Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH). This is our behavior management/SEL program.
  • Ribbon Cutting

    IVES officly opened to the community with the ribbon cutting ceremony. Tours were given to the public.
  • Base Camp District Orientation

    All new staff in the District were invited into 'Base Camp'. This gave up information about the District, allowed us to network, and ask questions.
  • Eureka Math Training

    All staff was trained in Eureka, our math resource.
  • CKLA Training

    Our staff was all trained in CKLA, our ELA resource.
  • Acadience Reading Training

    All staff were training in Acadience, formally known as DIBELS.
  • Acting Right

    All staff were training in Acting Right, our AI/Behavior Management curriculum.
  • Defining Arts Integration (AI)

    Staff were introduced to and practiced different activities related to the Arts Integration model
  • CKLA Further Training

    All staff received further training in CKLA
  • IVES Opened the Door

    IVES opened its doors to students in August of 2019. Our first offical year together was the 2019-2020 school year.
  • Count Day

    IVES participated in its first Count Day.
  • Lexia Training

    All staff were given training in the usage of Lexia, one piece of our ELA intervention process.
  • ST Math Training

    All staff attended training in the usage of ST Math, one piece of our math intervention process.
  • Introduction to SIPPS

    All staff was trained in the use of SIPPS, a reading intervention curriculum.
  • First Concert

    IVES held its first concert. Students, staff, and the community were together for sing alongs, announcements, and a fun staff 'flash mob'.
  • Including Samuel

    All staff attended a training in strengthening their understanding of our inclusion model.
  • One Minute Tableau / Writing in Arts Integration

    All staff attended trainings surrounding the AI model. The grade level teams were split, so each grade level team had at least one member at each training.
  • Facilitating and Managing Academic Conversations in the Arts Integrated Classroom

    All staff, and other members in our AI cohort, came to IVES to be trained further in the AI model. We specifically looked at our learning over the year, and strengthened the act of 'reading art'
  • Switch to e-Learning

    All schools across Colorado, including IVES, switched to an online learning platform due to COVID-19. We created a elearning website, Google Classrooms, new ways to meet as a staff and school, and found different ways of communicating with our families.
  • Virtual Art Show

    IVES students participated in a virtual art show, due to our emergency learning/COVID-19 situation
  • Celebrations!

    We came together as a staff over Zoom to hand out silly awards to each staff member, depending upon their accomplishments in the year. The school was also awarded an award.
  • Co-Teaching Training

    All staff were trained in the co-teaching model as part of our UIP for the year.
  • Book Study on Marzano's New Arts and Science of Teaching

    Over the year the staff studied and learned about Marzano's NASOT.