
Infant Timeline

  • Month 1

    Month 1
    20 grams a day weight gain.More deliberate movements. Limbs more extended.Can lift head temporarily when lying on stomach.Some delay in raising head when pulled to a sitting position from lying on back.Hands tightly fisted most of the timeSensory:Follows moving object with eyes
    Social: Smiles involuntarily.Responds to soundsCommunication: Throaty noises, gurgles
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Lifts head for a while while laying on their stomach. Hands stay fisted hald of the time. Will follow objects and can turn their head 180 degrees.
    Smiles voluntarily and recognizes facial expressions.
    Cries for about 3 hours a day and coo's!
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    No head lag when pulled into the sitting position. Reaches and grasps for items in front of them. Hods objects firmly. Stands when held and holds hands and feet.
    Shows displeasure at withholding contact. Excited at the site of food. Some babies may even hold their own bottle at this time.
    Begins to teeth. And moves objects from one hand to another.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Drinks from a cup and holds their own bottle. Rolls over on own and sits briefly. Discriminates between parents and strangers. Copies facial expressions.
    Babbles. Upper teeth and lower teeth come through.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Grasps objects between thumb and pointer finger. Will search for an object when it is removed, hidden, or taken out of sight. Single sylablle words "ma,dad" Understands no. Babbles.
    First molars irrupt.
  • Month 12

    Month 12
    Stands alone and may even walk. Walks with one hand held and drinks from a cup without help.
    Uses words meaningfuly.
    Feeds self with spoon.