Infant Development

By Jfeigel
  • 1-3 months

    1-3 months
    Physical- shows active body movement. Emotinal- shows feelings of secerity when held. Cognitive- eye movement. Social- reacts to discomfortand pain by crying for assistance.
  • 1-3 months

    1-3 months
    Physical- shows active body movement. Emotinal- shows feelings of secerity when held. Cognitive- eye movement. Social- reacts to discomfortand pain by crying for assistance.
  • 4 months

    4 months
    physical-looks from object to hand to object. Emotinal-may form an attachment to one specifice object. Social- laughs when tickled. Cognitive-smiles when caregivier talks to him
  • 4 months

    4 months
    physical-looks from object to hand to object. Emotinal-may form an attachment to one specifice object. Social- laughs when tickled. Cognitive-smiles when caregivier talks to him
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Physical-can roll from tummy to back. Emotinal- may begin to show fearful behavior. cognitive-grabs at all objects. Social- smiales at similar faces.
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Physical-can roll from tummy to back. Emotinal- may begin to show fearful behavior. cognitive-grabs at all objects. Social- smiales at similar faces.
  • 7-8 months

    7-8 months
    physical- crawls. emotinal- exhibitas fear in strangers. cognitive- enjoys look though books with familiar pictures. social- begins to have a sence of humor.
  • 7-8 months

    7-8 months
    physical- crawls. emotinal- exhibitas fear in strangers. cognitive- enjoys look though books with familiar pictures. social- begins to have a sence of humor.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    physical sits alin. Emotinal- May show fear in sounds. Cognitive- likes to look for contents in containers. Social- performs for others, repeats acts if appluaded.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    physical sits alin. Emotinal- May show fear is sounds. Cognitive- likes to look for contents in containers. Social- performs for others, repeats acts if appluaded.
  • 10 months

    10 months
    physical- likes to walk holding caregivers hands. Emotinal- is more aware of children. Cognitive- links specific acts or events. Social- enjoys music.
  • 10 months

    10 months
    physical- likes to walk holding caregivers hands. Emotinal- is more aware of children. Cognitive- links specific acts or events. Social- enjoys music.
  • 11 months

    11 months
    physical- is able to stand and pick up objects. Emotinal test caregivers for limits. Cognitive- waves good-bye. Social-imitates movemnt by adults.
  • 11 months

    11 months
    physical- is able to stand and pick up objects. Emotinal test caregivers for limits. Cognitive- waves good-bye. Social-imitates movemnt by adults.
  • 1 year

    1 year
    physical- climbs up and down stairs. Emotinal- begins to develop self-identity and independece. Cognitive- puts nesting toys together correctly.Social May resist napping.
  • 1 year

    1 year
    physical- climbs up and down stairs. Emotinal- begins to develop self-identity and independece. Cognitive- puts nesting toys together correctly.Social May resist napping.