1 - 3 Months
- Fine motor: May hold object if placed in hand, but drops it quickly.
- Gross motor: Can move arms and legs together. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Makes some sounds, but most vocalizing is still crying. Social:
- Looks at a person alertly and directly. Prefers to look at people over objects. Emotional:
- Is able to show distress, excitement, contentment, anger and delight. -
Defintions: First Part
- Infant: term used to refer to a child from birth through the first year of life.
- Fine Motor: the abitily to coordinate the small muscles in the arms, fingers, and wrists to complete tasks such as grasping, holding, cutting, drawing, and writing.
- Gross Motor: improvement of the skills involving arms, legs, and whole body movements. Examples include running, jumping, throwing, and climbing.
Definitions: Part Two
- Cognitive/Intellectual: growth in the mental processes used to gain knowledge, such as thought, reasoning, and imagination.
- Social: learning to relate to others.
- Emotional: refining feelings and expressions of feelings.
4 Months
- Fine motor: Begins to use mitten grasp for grabbing objects near the hands.
- Gross motor: On tummy, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Likes to repeat enjoyable acts like shaking a rattle. Social:
- Enjoys social aspects of feeding time. Emotional:
- Expresses delight. -
5 - 6 Months
- Fine motor: Grabs objects with either hand.
- Gross motor: Is able to stand while supported. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Recognizes and responds to own name. Social:
- May be able to play the peek-a-boo game. Emotional:
- May begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt. -
7 - 8 Months
- Fine motor: Has mastered grasping by using thumb in opposition to fingers.
- Gross motor: Crawls. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Anticipates events. Social:
- May show more dependence on caregiver for security. Emotional:
- Expresses anger more dramatically. -
9 Months
- Fine motor: Uses index finger to point, lead, and poke.
- Gross motor: May be able to move along furniture, touching it for support. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Likes to look for contents in a container. Social:
- Like to play games like pat-a-cakes. Emotional:
- May show fear of heights; may be afraid to crawl down from a chair. -
10 Months
- Fine motor: Can release grasped object instead of dropping it.
- Gross motor: Likes to walk holding caregiver's hands. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Can point to body parts. Social:
- Enjoys music and may mimic movements other make to music. Emotional:
- Is more aware of and sensitive to other children. -
11 Months
- Fine motor: Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cup.
- Gross motor: Stands alone. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Waves good-bye. Social:
- Imitates movements of other adults and children. Emotional:
- Seeks approval and tries to avoid disapproval. -
1 Year
- Fine motor: May be able to take off clothes.
- Gross motor: Walks with one hand held. Cognitive/Intellectual:
- Speaks first recognizable words. Social:
- Enjoys playing with siblings. Emotional:
- Shows increased negativism. May have tantrums.