
Infant Development

  • 1-3 Months

    1-3 Months
    Fine motor skill- Moves reflexes
    Gross motor skill-Cycles arms and legs smoothly
    Cognitive- Comforted by human voices and music.
    Social- Makes eye contact
  • 1-3 Months

    1-3 Months
    Emotional-Can quiet self by sucking
  • 4 months

    4 months
    Fine motor skill- Rolls on tummy, and from side to side
    Gross motor skill-Swipes at objects
    Cognitive-Enjoys watching hands and feet
    Social-Expresses delight
    Emotional- Laughs when tickled
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Fine motor- Helps when bring pulled too sitting position
    Gross motor- Rolls from back to tummy
    Cognitive- Smiles at self in the mirror
    Social- May begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt
    Emotional- Enjoys playing with children
  • 7-8 Months

    7-8 Months
    Fine motor- Likes to bounce when in standing
    Gross motor- Crawls
    Cognitive- Anticipates events
    Social- Shows desire for social contact
    Emotional-Exhibits fear of strangers
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    Fine motor- Sits alone
    Gross motor- May try to crawl upstairs
    Cognitive- Likes to look in container for things
    Social- Shows interest in joining activities
    Emotional- Shows a fear to new sounds
  • 10 Months

    10 Months
    Fine motor-Stands with little support
    Gross motor- Walks with support
    Cognitive- Likes to look at pictures
    Social- Cries less often
    Emotional- Fears strange places
  • 11 months

    11 months
    Fine motor- Stands alone
    Gross motor-Takes off shoes and socks
    Cognitive-Can point to body parts
    Social-May not always listen to what their told
    Emotional- Tests their limits
  • 1 year

    1 year
    Fine motor- Walks with one hand held
    Gross motor- Able to take off clothes
    Cognitive- Puts toys together correctly
    Social- May resist napping
    Emotional- Enjoys playing with siblings