1 month
Baby can lifts his/her head and turn it from one side to the other when place on stomach -
1 month social
May cry a lot, but quiets down when he sees the caregiver's face, hear the voice of the parent, or is lifted or touched. -
Period: to
Infant Development
Babies begin to show their dislikes very clearly -
Very young babies express discomfort or unhappiness by crying. -
11-12 Month Intellectual
Fits blocks or boxes inside one another -
month 2
Baby can start watching oblects move around 6 inches from there face -
2-3 month social
Can tell a smile from a frown -
Babies watch their mothers very closely. Often this is the first sign of interest in babies -
Babies show anger through crying. Signs of anger may appear as early as three to six months of age. -
month 3
Baby can opens and closes hands -
4-6 months social
Reaches out to play -
Babies show joy by smiling, in response to an adult who is making funny faces at them -
Month 4
Baby will put his or her hands in their mouth -
5-6 Month Intellectual
Studies objects carefully -
Babies begin to show their dislikes very clearly -
Month 5
The baby will reach out and grab toys -
7-8 Months Intellectual
Sorts objects by size -
Babies show fear by startling, turning away and screamimg, especially in reponse to strangers -
month 6
Baby will pass a block from one hand to the other -
month 7
Baby can sit up steadily -
7-8 months social
Enjoys other childern -
month 8
Baby will look at objects with sustained attention -
month 9
They will use index finger to poke -
9-10 Months Intellectual
Looks for dropped objects -
month 10
They will crawl very well -
month 11
When walking they will hold onto furniture or crib rails for support -
Month 12
They will hold and drinks from cups