1-3 months
Physical- Reflexievely, keeps hands fisted. Keeps head in midpostion, shows active movement.
Emotional- recognizes s parents voice
Social- makes eye contact. -
1-3 Months
Physical- Reflexievely, keeps hands fisted. Keeps head in midpostion, shows active movement.
Emotional- recognizes s parents voice
Social- makes eye contact. -
Period: to
Infant Development
4 months
Phyiscal- Can lay on tummy, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support. Can maintain a sitting position for several minutes if given proper support. Always grabbing objects that is nearest to their hands.
Emotional- expresses delight
Social- responds to continued warmth and affecttion. -
4 months
Phyiscal- Can lay on tummy, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support. Can maintain a sitting position for several minutes if given proper support. Always grabbing objects that is nearest to their hands.
Emotional- expresses delight
Social- responds to continued warmth and affecttion. -
5-6 months
Phyiscal- Can roll from tummy to back, can sit up about 10 to 15 minutes by them selves. moves by pushing legs and reaching with arms, is able to stand while supported.
Emotional- may be able to play peek-a-boo
Social- may begin to show fearful behavior. -
5-6 Months
Phyiscal- Can roll from tummy to back, can sit up about 10 to 15 minutes by them selves. moves by pushing legs and reaching with arms, is able to stand while supported.
Emotional- may be able to play peek-a-boo
Social- may begin to show fearful behavior. -
7-8 months
Phyiscal- Crawls awkwardly, combining movements on tummy and knees. May be able to pull self to a standing position.Can lean over and reach while in sitting position. Learns pincer grasp, using just the thumb and forefinger.
Emotional- has increased drive for independence
Social- enjoys playing with own image in a mirror. -
7-8 Months
Phyiscal- Crawls awkwardly, combining movements on tummy and knees. May be able to pull self to a standing position.Can lean over and reach while in sitting position. Learns pincer grasp, using just the thumb and forefinger.
Emotional- has increased drive for independence
Social- enjoys playing with own image in a mirror. -
9 Months
Phyiscal- Sits alone, may try to crawl upstairs. May be able to move along furniture, touching it for support.
Emotional- may show fear of heights
Social- cries less often. -
9 Months
Phyiscal- Sits alone, may try to crawl upstairs. May be able to move along furniture, touching it for support.
Emotional- may show fear of heights
Social- cries less often -
10 Months
Phyiscal- Likes to walk holding caregivers hands. stands with little support.
Emotional- expresses delight, happiness, saness, discomfort, and anger.
Social- fears strangle places. -
10 Months
Phyiscal- Likes to walk holding caregivers hands. stands with little support.
Emotional- expresses delight, happiness, saness, discomfort, and anger.
Social- fears strangle places. -
11 Months
Phyiscal- Stands alone, is able to stand and pick up objects. Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cups,
Emotional- seeks approval and tried to avoid disapproval.
Social- likes to say no and shake head to get response from a caregiver. -
11 Months
Phyiscal- Stands alone, is able to stand and pick up objects. Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cups,
Emotional- seeks approval and tried to avoid disapproval.
Social- likes to say no and shake head to get response from a caregiver. -
1 year
Phyiscal- Climbs up and down stairs , maya show perfernce for one hand. May be able to take off clothes, walk with one hand held.
Emotional- Can point to body parts, waves goodbye, speaks first recognizable word.
Social- May resist napping. -
1 Year
Phyiscal- Climbs up and down stairs , maya show perfernce for one hand. May be able to take off clothes, walk with one hand held.
Emotional- Can point to body parts, waves goodbye, speaks first recognizable word.
Social- May resist napping.