
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Confederacy surrenders to the Union.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi sent and received the first radio signal in Italy.
  • The First Plane

    The Wright brothers launch, fly, and land the first plane.
  • Model T

    Model T
    Henry Ford introduces the Model T
  • WWI

    Franz Ferdinand is assassinated, WWI is imminent.
  • WWI Ends

    WWI Ends
    An armistice is signed, bringing the war to an end.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Over production, the dust bowl as well as other factors in other countries lead to a worldwide depression.
  • WWII Begins

    WWII Begins
    Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor. Britain and the U.S. declare war on Japan the following day.

    The first room sized computer (occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons)
  • FDR Death

    FDR Death
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt passes, Harry S. Truman takes his place.
  • German Surrender

    German Surrender
    The German forces surrender.
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima is hit with an atomic bomb. Nagasaki follows three days later.
  • Japan Surrender

    Japan Surrender
    The Japanese forces surrender.
  • The Korean War

    The Republic of Korea (South Korea), and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) engage in war. The UN backs the south, while China and the Soviets back the north
  • Vietnam

    The Vietnam war begins.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Ends

    Kruschev announces the removal of missiles from Cuba.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    A march from Selma to Montgomery to protest the death of Jimmie Lee Jackson begins the Civil Rights Movement.
  • MLK Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.
  • Apollo 11

    The first American Moon landing.
  • Watergate

    Nixon resigns due to the Watergate scandal.
  • Vietnam war ends

    Saigon falls, Viet Cong win.
  • Reaganomics

    Economic policies regarding supply-side economics (trickle-down)
  • Desert Strom

    Response to Irag's invassion of Kuwait. Went until early 1991.
  • Smartphone

    The Simon Personal Communicator is released by IBM before the term "smart phone" is even coined.
  • Google

    Google is created.
  • 9/11

    Four planes are hijacked in America. Two are crashed into the Twin Towers, one crashed into the pentagon, and one crashed in PA.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom begins

    The US invades Afghanistan.
  • Iraq War

    In response to the 9/11 attacks, the US led an offensive into Iraq aimed at removing Saddam Hussein.
  • iPhone

    Steve Jobs announces the first iPhone.
  • Iraq War

    The Iraq War ends.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom ends

  • Operation Freedom's Sentinel begins

    American presence continues in Afghanistan. (2015 - present)