Industrial revolution Timeline

  • Improved Steam Engine

    James Watt makes adjustments to the original steam engine. Increasing efficiency. It was the first major advancement in the Industrial Revolution.
  • The invention of the spinning jenny

    In 1764 James Hargraeves conceives the idea of the yarn spinning machine later called the spinning jenny it was released in 1770. It's invention dramatically increased production of wool and was one of the first major inventions in the industrial evolution.
  • The Steel Pow

    In 1837, John Deere invents the Steel Pow which increases farming productivity.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code was invented in 1851. It is a language used by many but was made popular during WW1
  • The Titanic

    The Titanic was an engineering marvel and the last triumph in the industrial revolution. It was the biggest ship EVER. Unfortunately, it sunk on it's first voyage, in the North Atlantic over 2000 people died.