Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    a steam engine is able to harness the energy of steam to move machinery.
  • Regular Steam Boat

    It was the same as the Steam engine, but instead as a boat
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin is a machine designed to remove cotton from its seeds.
  • Improve sewing machine

  • Induced Electric Motor

    It gives no information
  • Transatlantic Cable

    It gives no information about it.
  • Telegraph

    The electric telegraph is a now outdated communication system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location and then translated into a message.
  • Sewing Machine

    Hand sewing is an art form that is over 20,000 years old. The first sewing needles were made of bones or animal horns and the first thread was made of animal sinew.
  • Telephone

    In the 1870s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell, both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electrically (the telephone).
  • Phonograph, and long lasting Light bulbs

    It gives no information