industrial revolution inventors and inventions

  • Thomas Newcomen

    Created the first practical steam engine
  • John Wesley

    Ordained priest on September 22, 1728. he had traveled over 4,000 miles and preached around 40,000 sermons
  • James Hargreaves

    weaver, carpenter, and inventor. contributed to the making of the spinning jenny
  • Nicholas Leblanc

    a french chemist that discovered how to make soda from common salt
  • Robert Owen

    was a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He worked in the cotton industry in Manchester before setting up a large mill at New Lanark in Scotland.
  • John Roebuck

    An English inventor that developed the industrial scale manufacture of sulfuric acid
  • James Watt

    Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist. improved on Newcomen's steam engine and made his own in 1781
  • Edmund Cartwright

    English inventor who graduated from oxford university. After college he went to create the power loom
  • Elias Howe

    Invented the sewing machine in 1790 during the industrial revolution
  • Alessandro Volta

    Chemist and pioneer of electric science who had invented the the electric battery
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort is a ironmaster that started refining iron from pigs iron during the industrial revolution
  • George Stephenson

    english civil engineer and mechanical engineer, also known as the "Father of the Railways" he had made the steam locomotive and the killingworth locomotive