Industrial Revolution Inventors

By lesleyw
  • Charles Townshend invents the "Four Field System" of crop rotation

  • James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny

  • Richard Awkwright invents the water frame

  • James Watt patents his improved steam engine

  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin

  • Alessandro Volta Invents the Electric Battery

  • Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquard machine

  • George Stephenson patents an improved steam locomotive

  • Samuel Morse coinvents the Morse Code System for electrical telegraphy

  • Louis Daguerre invents a new photography process, called the Daguerrotype

  • Henry Bessemer patents the Bessemer process for steel-making

  • Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone

  • Thomas Edison invents the incandescent lightbulb

  • Gottlieb Daimler invents the predecessor to the modern motorcycle, the Daimler Reitwagen

  • Guglielmo Marconi invents the first long-distance wireless telegraph