Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull was an agricultural pioneer that perfected a horse-drawn seed drill in 1701. This drill economically sowed seeds a lot faster and in neat rows. -
Abraham Darby
Abraham Darby was an British ironmaster who was the first to successfully smelt iron ore with coke in 1709. Coke is a liquid residue that comes from coal when it is heated to extreme temperatures. There was an increased demand for iron because of the railroad and steam engines being created so it was in great demand. -
Thomas Newcomen
Inventor Thomas Newcomen was the inventor of the world's first successful atmospheric steam engine in 1712. He was considered to be one of the pioneers of the Industrial Revolution. -
John Kay
John Kay took credit for creating the flying shuttle in 1733. This device was a very important step for automatic weaving. It sped up the weaving time of workers considerably. -
John Roebuck
John Roebuck was most known for his early achievements in his field where he was attributed to the introduction of leaden condensing chambers in the manufacture of sulfuric acid in 1746. -
James Watt
James Watt was best known for his improvement on the Newcomen Steam Engine in May 1765. He noticed how the engine wasted a lot of usable steam. So me made a separate condenser to solve the problem. The insane amount of lost steam caused a heat loss which caused problems and robbed power. -
Richard Arkwright
Richard Arkwright was accredited with creating the water frame in 1769. This invention was used to make a cotton yarn suitable for warp. This machine ran on only water also. -
Henry Cort
Inventor Henry Cort was the inventor of the puddling process for converting pig iron to wrought iron in 1784. He was a very skilled man who's background consisted of the Navy and black-smithing and metal work. -
Nicolas LeBlanc
Nicolas LeBlanc discovered was a French surgeon and chemist who discovered how to manufacture soda from common salt in 1790. This discovery was used to make soaps, glass, and other products. -
Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Volta was most famous for his invention of the electric battery in 1800. This provided anyone who could get their hands on it a continuous source of current. It was a remarkable feat of engineering and science for the time period. -
Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton as accredited with the invention of the first successful commercial steamboat in 1801. He was an American inventor and had a broad knowledge of the water. -
George Stephenson
George Stephenson was the inventor of the first ever steam powered railroad locomotive in 1814. He built locomotives for killingworth locomotives and was a very important part of the Industrial Revolution.