Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution Inventors

By coynerm
  • Period: to


  • Thomas Newcomen and the First Steam Engine

    Thomas Newcomen and the First Steam Engine
    • The engine raised ten gallons of water from a depth of 156 feet.
    • Approximately went at a speed of 5.5 horse power.
    • Very expensive, but also very inefficient.
  • John Kay and the Flying Shuttle

    John Kay and the Flying Shuttle
    • Using the flying shuttle, one weaver could weave fabrics of any width more quickly than two could before. -Kay mounted his shuttle on wheels in a track and used paddles to shoot the shuttle from side to side when the weaver jerked a cord.
  • James Watt and the Steam Engine

    James Watt and the Steam Engine
    • Allowed miners to go down further without having to deal with the flooding of water.
    • Improved off the original steam engine that was built.
  • John Roebuck and Leaden Chambers

    John Roebuck and Leaden Chambers
    • Replaced glass globes and r evolutionized the production process for sulfuric acid.
    • The invnetion also reduced the cost of sulfuric acid.
  • Richard Arkwright and the Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright and the Water Frame
    • Produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp.
    • The thread made on James Hargreaves’ spinning jenny lacked the strength of Arkwright’s cotton yarn and was suitable only for weft.
  • Nicolas LeBlanc and Soda Ash

    Nicolas LeBlanc and Soda Ash
    • Found out how to convert sodium into soda ash.
    • originally used many materials to make sodium ash, Nicolas made a way to only use sodium to make it.
  • Henry Cort and the Grooved Rollers

    Henry Cort and the Grooved Rollers
    • Produced iron bars more quickly.
    • Later had a specific process with this invention that removed the carbon from the iron.
  • Edmund Cartwright and the Power Loom

    Edmund Cartwright and the Power Loom
    • It was the first machine to make practical the weaving of wide cotton cloth.
    • Based his invention off of seeing Richard Arkwright's invention.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
    • First introduced the cotton gin in 1789, but never finished it.
    • The machine sped up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber.
  • Robert Fulton and the Steamboat

    Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
    • Made the first viable commercial steamboat service.
    • Transported people from place to place on water.
  • George Stephenson and Locomotives for the First Railways

    George Stephenson and Locomotives for the First Railways
    • Some people call him the father of the railway.
    • Allowed trains to transport faster with better tracks.
    • Opened the Liverpool and Manchester railway.
  • Cyrus Field and the Telegraph

    Cyrus Field and the Telegraph
    • At first, failed several times the lay the cord out.
    • The telegraph transmitted messages with a specific code.