Industrial Revolution

  • Imporoved Steam Engine

    Imporoved Steam Engine
    James Watt improves the steam engine. He improved the power output from the engine. This was very important for anything that used steam power.
  • Textile Mills

    Textile Mills
    <a href='' ></a>Samule Slater used his knowledge of the textile machinery to build the nations first water powered textiled mill in Road Island. This gave jobs to entire families.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    <a href='' ></a>By combining burning wood and coal, it boils water to produce steam. The steam then pushes a rotating paddle, which pushes the boat upstream. The invention of the steam boat helped transportation of goods. Made things faster and safer to send.
  • The Boston Associates

    The Boston Associates
    Build in Waltham, Massachusetts. This manufactured cloth. Instead of just the production of thread this produced cloth to be sold. This also created jobs for young farm women.
  • Turnpikes

    A turnpike is a toll road and people who used the roads had to pay tax, to ride the road. This led to better roads for people.
  • National Road

    National Road
    The national road was a product because of the turnpike's taxes.People could now travel west by land on a safe, sturdy, efficiant road.
  • Production of Cloth

    Production of Cloth
    Garmet trade developed in New York City. Poor women weaved the factory thread by hand in their homes. They earned about one dollar a week.
  • Period: to

    Building the Railroads.

    The Railroads start to grow and with this travel and transpotation for both humans and manifactured goods. The trains used steam engines to power them. This made it easy to travel. People could now travel faster than ever before.
  • Merrimack River Factory Building

    Merrimack River Factory Building
    The factory helped with manufacturing goods. This used water power to power the factory.
  • National Road finished

    National Road finished
    The National road was finished on this date.Traveling from Baltimore, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal was proposed in 1808. It was stretched from the Hudson river all the way to Lake Erie in New York. It goes on for 363 miles.
  • The Electric Telegraph

    The Electric Telegraph
    Samuel F.B. Morse invented the telegraph. This machine was used for comunicating. This changed the world by leting people comunicate faster then ever.
  • Dynamite

    [Main sorce 1:](Main sorce 2 : Nobel creates dynamite. With this invention people could make tunels through mountains for trains. They could also make stone quarries. This also helped making paths for roads.