Revolutions of 1800's Europe

  • Tsar Alexander I

    Tsar Alexander I
    Alexander becomes the Tsar of Russia in 1801 and defeats Napoleon's army in 1812, becoming one of the most powerful leaders in Europe.
  • Louis XVIII

    Louis XVIII
    After Napoleon was forced to abdicate his throne in 1814, Louis XVIII, who lived in exile during the revolution, was made king. This restored the Bourbon Dynasty to the French monarchy.
  • Germanic Confederation

    Germanic Confederation
    A result of the Congress of Vienna, the Germanic Confederation is established to replace the Holy Roman Empire. Made up of 39 German speaking countries, this was the initial steps in the unification of Germany
  • Uification of Netherlands and Belgium

    As a result of Napoleon's conquest of Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands become Unified.
  • Peterloo Massacre

    Peterloo Massacre
    A riot of upwards of 60,000 people protesting the British Corn Laws was attacked by a Calvary force, killing 15 and injuring more than 400
  • Charles X

    Charles X
    Charles X becomes the King of France until The July Revolution forced his abdication.
  • Tsar Nicholas I

    Tsar Nicholas I
    Nicholas I becomes Tsar of Russia after his brother Constantine denied the Crown, sparking the Decembrist riots.
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Russian military officers launch a revolt in December of 1825 to protest against Alexander I taking the throne. After a standoff between rebel and loyalists troops outside the Winter Palace, artillery was fired on the rebels, dispersing them.
  • Belgian Independence

    Belgian Independence
    A revolt of the southern provinces of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands led to the establishment of the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • July Revolution

    The July Revolution Led to the overthrow of Charles X
  • Polish Uprising

    Polish Uprising
    Young Polish Military officers in the area belonging to Russia revolted.
  • King Charles Albert

    King Charles Albert
    King Charles Albert of Piedmont Ascends to the throne in 1831. He led a movement to remove Austrian influence from the northern states
  • New Poor Law

     New Poor Law
    The New Poor law replaced the legislation of 1601, effectively ending monetary relive to the poor
  • Emperor Ferdinand I

    Emperor Ferdinand  I
    Ferdinand I is crowned Emperor of Austria in 1835. Ferdinand also held the title of President of the German Confederation.
  • Frederick William IV

    Frederick William IV
    Frederick William IV becomes king of Prussia after the death of his father. Most Known for the building he ordered the construction of.
  • Repeal of Corn Laws

    The Corn laws in England were repealed as a result of famine in Ireland.
  • Revolutions in Italy

    Revolutions in Italy
    Organized revolts in Northern Italy to remove Austrian control.
  • Abdication of Louis-Philippe

    Abdication of Louis-Philippe
    During the French Revolution of 1848, Louis-Philippe abdicates his throne out of fear of what happened to Louis XVI.
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Frankfurt Assembly
    The first freely elected parliament of Germany met in May of 1848. The assembly eventually passed the Frankfurt Constitution.
  • Franz Joseph I

    Franz Joseph I
    After Ferdinand abdicates his throne following the revolutions of 1848, Franz Joseph I take control.
  • Election of Louis Napoleon

    Election of Louis Napoleon
    Under the second republic of France, Louis Napoleon was elected as President of France. He would lead a Coup to take of France in 1851
  • Austrian Revolts

    Austrian Revolts
    Nationalist Revolts in the Austrian Empire forced Chancellor Metternich to be dismissed
  • Second French Republic

    After the 1848 revolution of France, the second republic is created.
  • Charles Albert Attacks Austrians

    Charles Albert Attacks Austrians
    Charles Albert attacks Austrians in Northern Italy remove their influence
  • June Days

    June Days
    Workers revolt in France lead to the Provisional government calling for the presidential election.