Flying shuttle- John Kay
Using the flying shuttle one weaver could weave fabric of any width more quickly than two could before. They started to become dangerous but advanced models are used today -
Steam Engine- James watt
James watt improved the 1712 Thomas Newcomen steam engine. Unfortunately the steam engine was very large and unsafe. -
Spinning jenny- James Hargreaves
It was the first practical application of the multiple spinning be a machine. It produced weaker thread so the quality decreased. The textile industry was greatly impacted. -
Water Frame- Richard Arkwright
The water frame is a spinning frame driven by water. Although many people lost their jobs, it could supply more textiles. -
Spinning Mule- Samuel Crompton
The spinning mule was a multi-spindle spinning machine. AS the machine got faster the imperfections grew, adding to the lack of strength. The spinning mule later evolved into other modern machines. -
Steam Locomotive- Richard Trevithick
Richard Trevithick created the first high-pressure steam engine and the first operational steam locomotive at the turn of the 19th century. Steam locomotives led to the creation of trains, but due to the locomotive's boiler, it is extremely huge, heavy, and clumsy. -
Steam Boat- Robert Fulton
Most times the steamboat was used to carry supplies across water, or it would carry passengers across water. The steam boat was much better than the simple paddle boat. Even though this seems like an excellent and new way of transportation, steamboats would sometimes build up to much pressure and explode. -
Steam Locomotives- George Stephenson
Steam locomotives are vehicles that run on rails or tracks and are powered by the steam engines. They were historically used for moving materials, as well as passengers. The steam engine has low efficiency, but can transport people quickly. -
Bessemer Converter- Henry Bessemer
He developed the first cost-efficient process for the manufacture of steel in 1956, which later led to the invention of bessemer converter. This was extremely important because steel is used commonly to construct, but steel could bend the way you wanted it to and has small resistance to fire. -
Pasteurization- Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur created pasteurization, to sterilize, or eliminate the bacteria out of beverages. This discovery effected sterilization on the future, which create sterilized milk. Even though pasteurization kills the harmful bacteria in beverages, it is also known to kill helpful bacteria and nutrients in drinks. -
Light bulb- Thomas edison
Thomas edison was the creator of the light bulb which allowed for people to be able to see in the dark. The light bulb is still used today, But it can burn out quickly. -
Tesla Coil- Nikola Tesla
He produced the "tesla coil" which was used for transmitting energy, an electrical circuit, but due to high primary currents,unfortunately the coil can produce a very loud sound.