Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt created the first reliable steam engine. It was originally created in 1698, but was improved to use heat more efficently.
  • Cotten Gin

    Cotten Gin
    Eli Whitney created the Cottne Gin. It was used to greatly speed up the process of removing seeds from cotton fibers.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F. B. Morse created the telegraph. It worked by sending electrical signals through wire.
  • Elevator safty breaks

    Elevator safty breaks
    Ellsha Otis creates elevator safty breaks. The purpose was to stop a falling elevator if it were to fall.
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel creates dynamite. While in the process of creating dynamite, his brother was killed by an explosion.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone. This invention made communication much quicker.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    Thomas Edison created the light bulb. Before this invention, people would have to use candle for lighting.
  • Bridge

    The Brooklyn Bridge opens. It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the U.S.
  • Electric Moter

    Electric Moter
    Nikola Telsa created the Electric Moter. This mostly replaced the steam motor
  • Airplane

    Orville and Wilbur Wright created the airplane. It helped move crops, people, and other items